
Dr Grégory Quin

Job: Honorary Visiting Research Fellow

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities

Research group(s): International Centre for Sports History and Culture

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: gregory.quin@unil.ch

W: /sportshistory

Social Media:


Personal profile

Dr Grégory Quin is an honorary visiting research fellow in the International Centre for Sports History and Culture at De 91Ó°ÊÓ University in Leicester. He has a wide range of interests around sports history, especially in an international framework. His publications include works on the history of European processes of the beginning of physiotherapy (on a comparative basis between several European traditions), on football history during the interwar period and also on the history of rhythmic gymnastics in the second half of the Twentieth century. He is currently co-authoring and editing a book on the history of sports medicine in Europe, from 1945 to the present, including some translations and totally new research inside the archives of sports medicine. He has already received several grants from different institutions to develop his research (UEFA, CEOF, etc.)

Research group affiliations

Research interests/expertise

Grégory’s research topics are all focused around international dimensions and processes of the history of modern sports and gymnastics across Europe between the early 19th and late 20th centuries. After several years of research, he knows well a great number of archives’ conservation site (FIFA; UEFA, IOC, FA, National Archives, National Libraries, etc.), in which he often search for original documents.


PhD from University of Lausanne (Switzerland) and University Paris Descartes (France)
MSc History (University of Strasbourg (France))
MSc Sport Science (University of Strasbourg (France))


Forthcoming events

Grégory Quin will organize, together with Philippe Vonnard, two conferences about sport history during the Twentieth Century, the first one about European football (Winter 2015) and the second one about sports during the Cold War (in Barcelona in July 2015).

Conference attendance

  • Quin, Grégory (2014). « Europe between Tradition and Sportivization: Rhythmic Gymnastics a sporting activity between Western and Eastern Europe (1961-1989) », June 26th and 27th 2014, International conference « Sport & EU », Deutsche Sporthochschule, Cologne (Germany).
  • Quin, Grégory (2013). « Facing Modernity: the Genesis and Development of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Switzerland (1974-2012) », December 13th and 14th 2013, International conference « Gender in Physical Culture », Gothenburg University (Sweden).
  • Quin, Grégory (2013). « « Reconstruire » le football international après la Seconde Guerre mondiale : une nécessité pour la FIFA (1944-1948) », November 21st, 22nd and 23rd 2013, International Conference CESH, University Ramon Llull, Barcelona (Spain).
  • Quin, Grégory (2013). « L’émotion contre l’institution ? Développement de la gymnastique rythmique internationale depuis 1961 à travers les Bulletins Officiels de la FIG », November 16th and 17th 2013, International conference “Rhythmic gymnastics and emotion”, University Lille 2 (France).
  • Vonnard, Philippe ; Quin, Grégory (2013). « Regulations or politics influences? The „German question“ at the FIFA from 1933 to 1949 », February 1st, 2nd and 3rd 2013, International conference « Die Gleichschaltung des Fußballsports im nationalsozialistischen und staatssozialistischen Deutschland », Schwabenakademie, Irsee (Germany).
  • Quin, Grégory (2012). « La Coupe de l’Europe Centrale et la Mitropacup (1925-1938) – Histoires de premières compétitions internationales en Europe », September 28th and 29th 2012, International conference « Origines et naissance de l’Europe du football », University of Besançon (France), Conference held in the network FREE (Football Research in an Enlarged Europe).
  • Bohuon, Anaïs ; Quin, Grégory (2012). « Sport, discriminations et privilèges de genre, de classe et de race : l’exemple du « test de féminité » », August 29th, 30th and 31st Internationa conference “Recherches féministes francophones”, University of Lausanne (Switzerland).
  • Quin, Grégory (2012). « International competition and professionalisation in European football during the interwar period: process, resistances and ambiguities », June 20th, 21st, 22nd 2012, International conference EASS (European Association for Sociology of Sport), University of Berne (Switzerland).