
Dr Mehmet Erman Erol

Job: Lecturer in International Relations

Faculty: Arts, Design and Humanities

School/department: School of Humanities and Performing Arts

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: mehmet.erol@dmu.ac.uk


Research group affiliations

Institute of History

Publications and outputs


  • (Forthcoming, 2024) Turkey and the Global Political Economy: Geographies, Regions, and Actors in a Changing World Order, Co-edited volume I.B. Tauris/Bloomsbury
  • (2021) The Condition of the Working Class in Turkey: Labour under Neoliberal Authoritarianism, Co-edited with C.E. Sahin, Pluto Press London

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

  • Erol, M.E. and Sahin, C.E. (2022) ‘Neoliberal Authoritarianism and Labour Unions in the Global South: The Cases of Egypt and Turkey’ Canadian Journal of Development Studies DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2022.2119945
  • Erol, M.E. (2020) ‘From Dictatorship to ‘Democracy’: Neoliberal Continuity and its Crisis in Tunisia’, New Middle Eastern Studies, 10(2), pp.147-163,
  • Erol, M.E. (2019) ‘State and Labour under the AKP Rule in Turkey: An Appraisal’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, 21(6), pp 663-677

Book Chapters

  • (Forthcoming, 2024) Turkey’s Engagement with the Middle East and North Africa: A Critical International Political Economy Perspective, in Turkey and the Global Political Economy: Geographies, Regions, and Actors in a Changing World Order, IB Tauris/Bloomsbury
  • (2021) Not-So-Strange Bedfellows: Neoliberalism and the Justice and Development Party in Turkey, in The Condition of the Working Class in Turkey: Labour under Neoliberal Authoritarianism, Pluto Press
  • (2016) Politics of economic policy-making during the AKP era in Turkey: A debate in the context of continuity and change (in Turkish). In T.Tören and M. Kutun (eds.), “Yeni” Türkiye’de Kapitalizm-1: Devlet ve Sermaye. İstanbul: SAV Publications.

Book reviews

  • Erol, M.E. (2020). ‘Between national liberalism and progressive internationalism: quo vadis globalization?’ Review of Is Globalization Over?, Renewal, 28 (3)
  • Erol, M.E. (2016). ‘The political economy of labour market reforms: Greece, Turkey and the global economic crisis’, Political Studies Review, 14(4).
  • Erol, M.E. (2015). ‘Transition to Neoliberalism: The Case of Turkey in the 1980s, Review of Radical Political Economics’, 47 (1), 123-125.

Website Content & Op-Eds

  • (2023) De la géopolitique à la lutte des classes: comprendre la Victoire d’Erdoğan, Le Grand Continent,
  • (2020) Debating ‘State Capitalism’ in Turkey: Beyond False Dichotomies, Developing Economics, (Available at )
  • (2020) Reassessing the ‘Return’ of the State: Bringing Class Back In, Developing Economics (Available at )
  • (2019) Turkey’s Crisis and the Curious Case of the ‘Fight Against Inflation’, LSE Middle East Centre Blog (Available at )

Research interests/expertise

Political Economy of Development; Political Economy of the Middle East and North Africa; Global Political Economy and International Development; Labour Markets and Trade Unions in the Global South; State Theory; Turkish Politics/Political Economy

Areas of teaching

Global Political Economy; International Development; International Security and Development


  • BA Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics (2009)
  • MA University of York, UK, International Political Economy (2011)
  • PhD University of York, UK, Politics (2016)

Courses taught

Global Political Economy and Development (Postgraduate); Global Political Economy: Race, Gender, Class (Undergraduate); International Security in a Globalised World (Undergraduate)

Membership of external committees

Editorial Board Member, Journal of Labor and Society

Membership of professional associations and societies

International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE)

Professional licences and certificates

Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Conference attendance

  • (2023) 'Making Sense of Turkey's 2023 Elections through the Lens of Critical Political Economy: A Tale of Two Development Paradigms?', Historical Materialism 2023 Conference, SOAS University of London, 9-12 November
  • (2023) Invited Discussant: Locked Out of Development: Insiders and Outsiders of Arab Capitalism (Cambridge MENAF book launch event, Newnham College)
  • (2021) Workshop Organiser: Turkey and the Global Political Economy (Online)
  • (2019) ‘Right-wing Authoritarian Populism and Academic Freedoms in Turkey, Brazil and Hungary’, Churchill College University of Cambridge, Nature of Expertise Workshop, 29 November 2019
  • (2018) ‘Labour, State and Crisis of the AKP’. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Geopolitical Economy of Turkey’s Rise and Crisis, 19 October 2018, University of Stirling, UK
  • (2017) From ‘Democratisation’ to ‘Authoritarianism’?: Putting Turkey’s AKP in its Place’, 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association: (Un)Making Europe, 29 August-1 September, Athens, Greece.
  • (2017) ‘Financialisation and Labour in Contemporary Turkish Political Economy: Notes on Debt, Discipline and Resistance’, 35th International Labour Process Conference, 4-6 April 2017, Sheffield, UK.

Case studies

Foreign Policy magazine: 6 books to understand contemporary Turkey

ORCID number

