
Dr Eghosa Igudia

Job: Senior Lecturer in Economics

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Faculty of Business and Law

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 366 4554

E: eghosa.igudia@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

I am a senior lecturer with De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Leicester, United Kingdom, and have been a guest lecturer with Gdansk School of Banking, Poland. I hold a PhD in Economics (the informal economy), an MSc in Economics & Finance (Distinction) from the Nottingham Business School, NTU, United Kingdom, and a BSc in Banking & Finance from the University of Benin. I have experience working with Higher Education (HE) partners, as well as working in the banking industry. Further, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), and member of membership committee of the Academy of African Business and Development (AABD). Finally, I have huge experience in leading academic programmes, and validating new modules/programmes.

Research group affiliations

The Centre for Urban Research on Austerity (CURA)
The Institute for Sustainable Economics

Publications and outputs


  • Igudia, E. (2020). Exploring the theories, determinants and policy-options of street vending: a demand-side approach, Urban Studies,  
  • Igudia, E., Uba, C., and Oshinowo, B. (2020). Understanding small business entrepreneurial activity in the Nigerian bottom of the pyramid (BoP) and the informal economy, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business (Accepted for publication)
  • Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S. and Dobson, C. (2016) Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes (MIMIC) approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 28:2/3, 154-177
  • Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S. and Dobson, C. (2015) Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: a multiple indicator, multiple causes (MIMIC) approach. The 8th International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development, P.384-402
  • Machokoto, M., Fakoussa, R., Igudia, E. and Dsouli, O. (Forthcoming - Under Review). The effects of manager-owner gender diversity on innovation in emerging markets: Are mixed-teams better? Journal of Business Research
  • Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., and Machokoto, M (Forthcoming - RR). Institutional Congruence and the Criminalisation of Street Vending: a demand-side perspective on the use and control of urban spaces, Environment and Planning A.

Research Grant:

  • 2020: British Academy research grant (Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling Global Challenge: £49, 609) – awarded. Award Reference: TGC\200070 (19 October 2020)
  • 2020/21: Faculty of Business and Law research focus competition 2020/21. £948.34 - awarded. Award Reference: IF.0088.20 (11/01/2021).
  • 2018/19: Winner, FBL Small Research Grant Award (£2,000) to conduct research on street vending in Lagos, Nigeria

Research interests/expertise

My area of research is the informal economy, which explores contemporary national and international debates on the issues of work, employment, and labour markets, with particular interest on the Global South; regional and emerging market economies. I am also interested in informal entrepreneurship, capital market, poverty reduction, debt and poverty, austere policies and economic performance, macroeconomic indicators and GDP growth.

Areas of teaching

I have been teaching Macroeconomics across undergraduate and postgraduate levels since 2014.

Currently, I teach two final year modules (Open macroeconomics (ECON3535) and Financial market (ECON3507)), and supervise both undergraduate and postgraduate students. I am the module leader for ECON3535.

Previously, I have been the module leader and tutor of the following undergraduate and postgraduate modules: the advanced macroeconomics, and applied economics, advanced economic theory, and careers in Economics.


  • 24 July 2015 – PhD Confirmation
  • October 1, 2011 to May 29, 2014: Nottingham Business School, NTU – PhD.
  • September 2009 to November 2010: Nottingham Business School, NTU - MSc Economics and Finance (Distinction).

Membership of external committees

Member, AABD membership committee

Membership of professional associations and societies

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), November 2016 to date.
Member, Academy of African Business and Development (AABD)


  • Principal investigator (PI) of a British Academy funded project: Inclusive poverty reduction: in search of a policy framework to support individuals operating in the informal economy in Lagos, Nigeria. 2021-2023
  • Poverty reduction and debt management in Leicester (ongoing)
  • Informal economy and inclusive growth in the Global South (ongoing)

Conference attendance

Conferences attended/paper presented:

  • 16-19 May, 2018. IAABD conference, South Africa, ‘Exploring the theories, determinants and policy-options of street vending: a demand-side approach’
  • 3 June, 2018. University of Northampton Research Conference, ‘Understanding the intersectional interplay of entrepreneurial activity at the Bottom of the Economic Pyramid of/and the informal economy’
  • 17-20 May, 2017. IAABD conference, Atlanta, ‘Modelling the relationship between leadership and economic performance: crosscountry analysis’
  • 4-6 April, 2017. International labour process conference (ILPC), Sheffield, UK. ‘The role of institutions in poverty reduction and inclusive growth: a case study of the (street hawkers in) Lagos state informal economy’ (accepted for presentation)
  • 4-8 April, 2016. International labour process conference (ILPC), Germany, ‘Working in the Nigerian informal economy: nature, prospects, and challenges’
  • 12-14 November 2015. AIB-SE conference, Savannah, Georgia State, US, ‘Sustainable economic development and the informal economy: lessons from an emerging market economy’
  • 18-19 June 2015. ICEIRD conference, Sheffield, UK, ‘Determinants of the informal economy of an emerging economy: A Multiple Indicator, Multiple Causes Approach’
  • 13-16 May 2015. IAABD conference, Kenya, ‘Integrating formal and informal businesses in Nigeria for Sustainable development’
  • 23-26 October 2014. AIB-SE conference, Miami, Florida, ‘Revisiting the link between theory and methods: the case of the informal economy’
  • 11-13 November 2013. ISBE International conference, Cardiff, UK, ‘Austerity measures or entrepreneurial development? The case of the Nigerian Informal Economy’
  • 6 September 2013. ‘Size and determinants of the Nigerian informal economy’ presented at East Midland University conference, Derby, UK.

Staff working paper/Papers in progress for journal publication:

  • Igudia, E. (2014). “Austerity measures or entrepreneurial development? The case of the Nigerian informal economy”, NTU Staff Working Paper, Discussion Papers in Economics No. 2014/1
  • Igudia, E., Ackrill, R., Coleman, S. (2017/8) Entrepreneurial response to Austerity: The role of the informal sector (work in progress - wip)

Externally funded research grants information

2020: British Academy research grant (Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling Global Challenge: £49, 609) – awarded. Award Reference: TGC\200070 (19 October 2020)
Topic: Inclusive poverty reduction: in search of a policy framework to support individuals operating in the informal economy in Lagos, Nigeria. 2021-2023

ORCID number