
Dr Jillian Yeow

Job: Senior Lecturer (VC2020)

School/department: Faculty of Business and Law

Address: Hugh Aston Building, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University

T: +44 (0)116 207 8078

E: jillian.yeow@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Jillian’s research interests are in the fields of ICT-enabled work, organisation studies and innovation, in particular the socio-technical aspects of work and organisation in project-based contexts, the translation and adoption of technological and organisational innovation, and in the area of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. I’m particularly interested in how technology enables and mediates relationships, work practices and spatial mobility, and the challenges it presents for knowledge sharing and innovation activities. I also have a growing interest in the area of entrepreneurship, particularly in relation to technology, innovation and organisational change in the context of micro and small businesses.

Prior to joining De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, I was a Research Fellow at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research at The University of Manchester where I worked on a number of research projects on innovation management and STI policy-related issues, especially in the area of innovation procurement and demand-side innovation policies. 

Research interests/expertise

Innovation Management and Strategy

Open innovation

Science, Technology and Innovation Policy

Project-based organising

Flexible working practices

Public procurement of Innovation

Areas of teaching

Research Methodology

Strategic Management

International Business

Innovation Management


PhD in Business and Management (The University of Manchester)

MSc Information Systems, Organisations and Management

BA (Hons) Leisure Management

Courses taught

Research Methodology

Enhancing Research Skills

Dissertation supervision

Conference attendance

Yeow, J. (2014) Bridging the temporary-permanent tension: the role of ICT in project-based organising, 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam 2014.

Yeow, J. (2013) Bridging the real and the virtual: exploring virtuality in an ICT-enabled project-based organising context, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal 4th-6th July 2013.

Yeow, J., Kasztler, A. (2013) Capabilities and competencies for innovation management in security organisations, R&D Management Conference, Manchester, 26th-28th June, 2013.

Edler, J., Yeow, J. (2013) Connecting demand to supply – The role of intermediation in public procurement of innovation, R&D Management Conference, Manchester, 26th-28th June, 2013.

Uyarra, E., Edler, J., Garcia-Estevez, J., Yeow, J., Georghiou, L. (2013). Why it does not work: Understanding the importance and determinants of barriers for innovation in public procurement, Seventeenth Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM XVII), April 2013, Prague, Czech Republic.

Edler, J. and Yeow, J. (2012) Connecting demand to supply – Process intermediation and multi-level coordination in public procurement of innovation. EU-SPRI Conference, Karlsruhe, 12th-13th June 2012.

Yeow, J. (2012) Negotiating between the individual and the collective in ICT-enabled project-based organising. Sixth Making Projects Critical Workshop, Manchester Business School, April 16th-17th 2012. 

Yeow, J., Uyarra, E., Gee, S. (2012) Closing the loop – Examining the case of the procurement of a sustainable innovation, Conference on Demand, Innovation and Policy: Underpinning Policy Trends with Academic Analysis, University of Manchester, 22nd-23rd March 2012.

Yeow, J. (2010) Project-based organising and ICT-enabled sociality: The negotiation of spatial mobility. BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2010, University of Brighton, September.

Yeow, J. (2006) Telework in Organisations – The changing nature of work and management, interpersonal processes and relationships, Annual Doctoral Conference, Manchester Business School, Manchester, UK.

Recent research outputs

Yeow, J., Rigby, J., & Li, Y. (2016). The Effect of a Government Target for the Procurement of Innovation: The Case of the UK’s Small Business Research Initiative. In Khi V. Thai (Ed) Global Public Procurement Theories And Practices. Springer

Edler, J., Yeow, J. (2016) Connecting demand and supply: The role of intermediation in public procurement of innovation. Research Policy, 45 (2), pp.414-426.

Yeow, J., Uyarra, E, Gee, S. (2015). Closing the loop – Examining the case of the procurement of a sustainable innovation, In C. Edquist, J. M. Zabala, Vornatas & J. Edler (Eds.). Public Procurement for Innovation (pp.235-262). Cheltenham, Edward Elgar. 

Yeow, J. (2014) Boundary management in an ICT-enabled project-based organising context. New Technology, Work and Employment, 29(3), 237-252. doi: 10.1111/ntwe.12036.

Uyarra, E., Edler, J., Garcia-Estevez, J., Georghiou, L., Yeow, J. (2014). Barriers to innovation through public procurement: A supplier perspective. Technovation, 34, (10), pp.631-645. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2014.04.003  

Georghiou, L., Edler, J., Uyarra, E., & Yeow, J. (2014) Policy instruments for public procurement of innovation: Choice, design and assessment. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 86(0), pp.1-12. doi: 

Uyarra, E., Edler, J., Gee, S., Georghiou, L., & Yeow, J. (2013). UK Public Procurement of Innovation: The UK Case. In V. Lember, R. Kattel & T. Kalvet (Eds.), Public Procurement, Innovation and Policy: International Perspectives (pp. 233-258). London: Springer-Verlag.

Yeow, J., Edler, J. (2012). Innovation Procurement as Projects, Journal of Public Procurement, 12(4), pp.472-504. 

Externally funded research grants information

Final evaluation of Security Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration ENTR/172/PP/2012/FC – LOT 4; European Commission, DG ENTR; Framework contract; August 2014 – August 2015; PI

Evaluation of the UK SBRI; Technology Strategy Board (Innovate UK); Co-PI; February 2014 – March 2015