
Dr Landry Simo

Job: Lecturer in Finance and Accounting

School/department: Department of Accounting and Finance

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 201 3930

E: landry.simo@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile


Dr Landry Simo is a Lecturer (Maître de Conférences) at Leicester Castle Business School within the School of Accounting, Finance, and Economics in the UK. He actively participates in various international academic organizations, such as the Social Psychology Network at Wesleyan University in the USA, the Behavioral Finance Working Group at Queen Mary University of London, the French Accounting Association (AFC) in France, and the Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE). Furthermore, he is an associate researcher at the University of Rennes 1 and is a member of the Chair of Behavioral Finance at the WHU School of Management in Germany. Prior to his current role, Dr Simo served as an Assistant Professor of Finance at ESDES Business School, Catholic University of Lyon in France.


Dr. Simo possesses teaching proficiency in the three main languages of scientific communication, namely English, Spanish, and French. He employs innovative pedagogical approaches, such as productive failure, flipped classroom, and experimental didactics, to enhance the learning experience of his students. His dedication and innovative teaching methods have consistently yielded outstanding teaching evaluations.


Dr. Simo's primary research focus lies in behavioral finance, where he endeavors to integrate psychology and finance to illuminate the rational and irrational foundations of financial decision-making. Through debunking the notion of the rational homo economicus and showcasing the prevalence of psychological heuristics among homo sapiens, he explores how the interplay between rational and irrational factors can enhance our understanding of the decision-making process. Furthermore, he aims to develop decision support tools and help design effective public policies. Dr. Simo's doctoral thesis centered on psychological biases in IPO reluctance, establishing his pioneering work in the field of silent herding.


In addition to his contributions to behavioral finance, Dr. Simo's research extends to the exploration of AI regulation, technological innovation, Fintech and Proptech technologies.


Furthermore, Dr Simo explores the impact of IFRS standards on Foreign Direct Investments, aiming to gain insights into the implementation of international reporting benchmarks. Dr Simo welcomes scientific collaborations and is available to supervise research students on topics aligned with his research interests.


In addition to his academic career, Dr Simo always kept a leg in industry and real world, collaborating with governments on effective public policy design and mentoring many thriving start-up promoters in Europe and Africa who develop disruptive and impactful Fintech and Proptech technologies.

Prior to his academic career, Dr. Simo held the position of CFO & COO at ZION Contractor SA.

Research group affiliations

  • The Finance and Banking Research Centre (FiBRe)
  • The Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence (IAI)

Publications and outputs

  • “Silent Herding in Initial Public Offering (IPO) Reluctance: Evidence from Developing Countries” (With Alvarez-Otero Susana and Nzongang Joseph), Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 2021, no. 4, vol. 145, pp. 121-149.
  • “Cognitive dissonance : an evidence of how self-protective distortions undermine IPO decision and economic development” (with Alvarez-Otero Susana and Nzongang Joseph). Review of Development Finance, (under review)
  • “Impacts of IFRS adoption on Foreign Direct Investments: global evidence” (with Lionel, Touchais). Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance (under review)
  • “Impacts of COVID-19 on mergers & acquisitions: evidence from EU”. Finance Research Letters (under review)
  • “IPO reluctance: how silent herding behavior shapes managerial decisions and hinders economic development”. Journal of Behavioral Finance (under review)

Press Articles and others:

  • Simo, Landry. L’intelligence artificielle aura-t-elle raison de la RSE. Journal des Entreprises, March 2022
  • Simo Landry. IA, Rationalité Algorithmique et RSE : d’une Polygamie Morganatique Utopique à un Ménage Pacifique ? ISBO, February 2021


Research interests/expertise

  • Finance
  • Psychology of decision-making
  • FinTech, Proptech & Innovation
  • Artificial Intelligence and Law

Areas of teaching


  • Financial Management
  • Accounting (financial and management)
  • Financial Technology
  • Behavioral Finance
  • Research Methodology
  • Financial Reporting using IFRS
  • Corporate Finance
  • Financing a Digital Venture


PhD in Finance

Courses taught

Informed Decision Making Financial Management Financial Reporting 

Honours and awards

Best thesis prize, UDs, 2021

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Member of the Francophone Accounting Association (AFC)
  • Member of the Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE)
  • Member of the Chair of Behavioral Finance, WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Germany
  • (Since 2021) Member of the Behavioral Finance Working Group, Queen Mary University of London UK
  • (Since 2020) Associate member, UMR CREM CNRS 6211, Université de Rennes 1 France

Current research students

Currently acting as first supervisor of 10 research students
