
Dr Haris Aslam

Job: Senior Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: School of Leadership, Management and Marketing

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 207 8590 (Ext. 8590)

E: haris.aslam@dmu.ac.uk


Publications and outputs

  • Syed, T. A., Aslam, H., Bhatti, Z. A., Mehmood, F., & Pahuja, A. (2024). Dynamic Pricing for Perishable Goods: A Data-driven Digital Transformation Approach. International Journal of Production Economics, 109405.
  • Aslam, H., Blome, C., Schleper, M. C., Ramish, A., & Bajwa, S. (2024). Investigating the supply chain agility–Innovation link: The role of organizational context. European Management Journal. (ABDC - B, ABS - 2)
  • Aslam, H., Waseem, M., Muneeb, D., Ali, Z., Roubaud, D., & Grebinevych, O. (2023). Customer integration in the supply chain: the role of market orientation and supply chain strategy in the age of digital revolution. Annals of Operations Research, 1-25. (ABDC - A, ABS - 3)
  • Akbar, B. and Aslam, H. (2023), Reinforcing resilience on the supply side: the role of supplier capabilities. Business Process Management Journal, 29(6), 1938-1957. (ABDC – B, ABS – 2)
  • Haq, M.Z.u. and Aslam, H. (2023), Impact of entrepreneurial leadership on supply chain performance: the mediating role of supply chain resilience, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 34 (5), 694-712. (ABDC – B, ABS – 1)
  • Asghar, M.I., Aslam, H. and Saeed, A. (2021), Linking supply chain professional's competencies to resilience in a turbulent world. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 72 (5), 1304-1320. (ABDC – B, ABS – 1)
  • Muneeb, D., Aslam, H., Abdalla, S., Hayat, N. and Ahmad, S.Z. (2023), Catalyzing resource recombination in higher education through potential building and value realizing capabilities. Journal of Asia Business Studies, 17(2), 385-403. (ABDC – C, ABS – 1)
  • Aslam, H., Wanke, P., Khalid, A., Roubaud, D., Waseem, M., Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J., . . . Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B. (2022). A scenario-based experimental study of buyer-supplier relationship commitment in the context of a psychological contract breach: Implications for supply chain management. International Journal of Production Economics, 249, 108503. doi: (ABDC - A, ABS - 3)
  • Aslam, H. T. A. Syed, C. Blome, A. Ramish and K. Ayaz. (2022), The Multifaceted Role of Social Capital for Achieving Organizational Ambidexterity and Supply Chain Resilience, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2022.3174069. (ABDC - A, ABS - 3)
  • Aslam, H., Azeem, M.U., Bajwa, S.U., Ramish, A. and Saeed, A. (2021), "Developing organisational citizenship behaviour for the environment: the contingency role of environmental management practices", Management Decision, 59 (12), 2932-2951. (ABDC - B, ABS - 2)
  • Rasheed, A., Aslam, H., & Rashid, K. (2020). Antecedents of pro-environmental behavior of supply chain managers: an empirical study. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 32(2), 420-435. (ABDC - C, ABS - 1)
  • Aslam, H., Khan, A. Q., Rashid, K., & Rehman, S.-u. (2020). Achieving supply chain resilience: the role of supply chain ambidexterity and supply chain agility. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 31(6), 1185-1204. (ABDC - B, ABS - 1)
  • Azeem, M. U., Bajwa, S. U., Shahzad, K., & Aslam, H. (2020). Psychological contract violation and turnover intention: the role of job dissatisfaction and work disengagement. Employee Relations, 42(6), 1291-1308. (ABDC - B, ABS - 2)
  • Aslam, H., Blome, C., Roscoe, S., & Azhar Tashfeen, M. (2020). Determining the antecedents of dynamic supply chain capabilities. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 25(4), 427-442. (ABDC - A, ABS - 3)
  • Aslam, H., Waseem, M., & Khurram, M. (2019). Impact of green supply chain management practices on corporate image: Mediating role of green communications. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 13(3), 581-598. (SCOPUS – Q2)
  • Aslam, H., Blome, C., Roscoe, S., & Azhar, T. M. (2018). Dynamic supply chain capabilities: how market sensing, supply chain agility and adaptability affect supply chain ambidexterity. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 38(12), 2266-2285. (ABDC - A, ABS - 4)
  • Aslam, H., & Azhar, T. M. (2018). Dynamic capabilities and performance: a supply chain perspective. Pakistan Journal of Commerce & Social Sciences, 12(1), 198-213. (SCOPUS – Q2)
  • Bajwa, S. U., Shahzad, K., & Aslam, H. (2017). Exploring Big-5 personality traits and gender as predictors of entrepreneurs’ cognitive adaptability. Journal of Modelling in Management, 12(1), 143-161 (ABDC – C, ABS – 1)
  • Ahmed, F., Shahzad, K., Aslam, H., Bajwa, S. U., & Bahoo, R. (2016). The Role of Collaborative Culture in Knowledge Sharing and Creativity among Employees. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences, 10(2), 335-358. (SCOPUS – Q2)
  • Ramish, A., & Aslam, H. (2016). Measuring Supply Chain Knowledge Management (SCKM) Performance based on Double / Triple Loop Learning Principle. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(5), 704-722. (ABDC – B, ABS – 1)
  • Shahzad, K., Aslam, M. M. H., Naveda Khichlew., Bajwa, S. U. , (2015),"Exploring Interpretation and Dimensions of Banking Services Quality in Pakistan: A Focus Group Methodology", International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management. 9(4), 240-253. (ABDC – C)
  • Aslam, M. H., Siddiqi, A. F., Shahzad, K. and Bajwa, S. U. (2014), "Predicting Student Academic Performance: Role of Knowledge Sharing and Outcome Expectations", International Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3), 18-35. (ABDC – B, ABS – 1)
  • Aslam, M. M. H., & Azhar, S. M. (2013). Globalization & Development: Challenges for Developing Countries. International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies, 6 (2), 158- 167. (SCOPUS – Q3) 

Research interests/expertise

Supply chain capabilities, Behavioral Operations and Supply Chain Management, and Supply Chain Sustainability

Areas of teaching

Supply Chain, Operations, and Project Management


Ph.D. Management (Specialization: Operations & Supply Chain Management)

Courses taught

Project Management, Supply Chain Management, and Operations Management

Membership of professional associations and societies

ISO 9000 Lead Auditor

Externally funded research grants information

British Academy Grant: SRG2324\240202
Satellite Remote Sensing Technology for Enhancing Transparency in the Apparel Supply Chains: Going Beyond the Conventional Transparency Mechanisms (Project in Progress)

ORCID number