
Dr Marian Chijoke-Mgbame

Job: Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Faculty of Business and Law

Address: Hugh Aston Building, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University

T: +44 (0)116 257 7078

E: marian.chijoke-mgbame@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Dr Marian Chijoke-Mgbame is a Senior Lecturer in the department of Accounting and Finance. Prior to joining 91Ó°ÊÓ in 2016, Marian lectured at Cambridge regional College London and University of Benin, Nigeria. She received her PhD in Finance from Middlesex university, London.

Marian's research interests are in Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures, Corporate Finance and Investment Analysis. Her research has been published in leading academic journals. She serves as a reviewer for the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Africa Journal of Management, Social Responsibility Journal, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences

Marian teaches Finance modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is currently the Module Leader for Corporate Financing and Governace (MSc module) and supervises postgraduate taught and research students. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an external examiner for BSc Accounting and Finance programme at Uniniversity of Southampton and MBA Global Financial Services at Coventry University, London

Research group affiliations

Institute of Responsible Business

Publications and outputs

Firm performance and CEO turnover: the moderating role of CEO attributes. (With Boateng, A., Mgbame, C. O., & Yekini, K. C) In Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society (2023)

Does the presence of an environmental committee strengthen the impact of board gender diversity on corporate environmental disclosure? Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa. (Gerged, A. M.,  Konadu, R. & Cowton. C. ) In Business Strategy and the Environment (2022)

Ownership structure, corruption, and capital investment: evidence from firms in selected Sub-Saharan African countries. (With Okafor, G; Ede, O; Ohalehi, P; Mgbame, C.O) In Thunderbird International Business Review, 2021

Board gender diversity, audit committee and financial performance: evidence from Nigeria. (With Boateng, A. &Mgbame C. O) In Accounting Forum, 2020.

Internet adoption and financial development in sub-Saharan Africa, (With Owusu-Agyei, S., Okafor, G., Ohalehi, P., & Hasan, F.) In Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020.

Foreign equity portfolio flow and corruption: A cross‐country evidence. (With Kwabi, F., Boateng, A., Fosu, S. & Zhu, T.) In International Journal of Finance & Economics, 2020.

The role of corporate governance on CSR disclosure and firm performance in a voluntary environment (With Mgbame, C. O., Akintoye, S., & Ohalehi, P.) In Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 2019.

CSR disclosure and corporate sustainability: evidence from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, (With Yekini, K., Li, H. & Ohalehi, P.) International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2019.

Discretionary Environmental Disclosures of Corporations in Nigeria, (With Mgbame, C. O) International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, 2018.

 Corporate Social Responsibility Performance and Tax Aggressiveness, (With Mgbame, C. O., Yekini, S., & Yekini, K. C.) Journal of Accounting and Taxation, (2017).

Dividend policy and share price volatility: UK Evidence, (With Khaled, H and Mgbame C O)  Journal of Risk Finance, (2011).



Key research outputs

Book Chapter

Chijoke-Mgbame A. M ‘Corporate Social Responsibility in the UK in Current Global Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility’ Edited by Idowu S. O, Springer 2021. ISBN: 978-3-030-68386-3

Research interests/expertise

My research interests are in the following areas and I am open to supervising research students with similar interests

Corporate Governance and Sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures

Corporate Finance and Investment Analysis.

Areas of teaching

Corporate Finance

Advanced Corporate Finance

Finance Theory

International Financial Markets and Institution



PhD Finance

MSc Investment Analysis

BSc Accounting


Courses taught

Financial Markets and Institutions- ACFI2301

Corporate Finance- ACFI2303

Financial Accounting- ACFI1303

Finance Theory- ACFI5042

Corporate Financing and Governance BMAF5002

Honours and awards

2021-  Outstanding Author Contribution, Emerald Literati Award

2020- Vice Chancellor’s Future Researcher Leadership Award, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University


Membership of external committees

Executive member Diversity Special Interest Group, British Accounting and Finance Association

Membership of professional associations and societies

Higher Education Academy- Senior Fellow

British Academy of Management- Member

British Accounting and Finance association- Member

European Finance Association- Member

European Accounting Association- Member

Professional licences and certificates


Bloomberg Market Concepts Certificate, Bloomberg LP


Conference attendance


Board Independence and Earnings Management: Evidence from South Africa, British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, April 2024 (Portsmouth)

Do environmental committees strengthen the impact of board gender diversity on corporate environmental disclosure? A quantile regression approach. Presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, (Nottingham) April, 2022.

Firm performance and CEO turnover: The moderating role CEO attributes. Presented at the European Accounting Association Conference, May 2021.

Board gender diversity and firm performance in a non-mandated environment. Presented at British Academy of Management Conference, September, (Aston University) September 2021

The impact of CEO background risk and option pay on R&D investments. Presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, (Birmingham) April, 2019.

The Effect of Background Risk on the Relationship between CEO Compensation and Risk Taking. Presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Conference (London), April, 2018.

 The Effects of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on CEO Employment Risk. Presented at the British Academy of Management Early Career Researchers Conference, (Nottingham Business School, Nottingham), June 2017.

The CEO Turnover Factor in Executive Compensation and Firm Performance. Presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, (Bath) March 2016.


Current research students

Happiness Robert - Thesis title "The Effect of Board Characteristics, Internal Corporate Governance on Earnings Management"

Externally funded research grants information


Project Title: Making Sense of Africa's Emerging Corporate Sustainability Transformation and its Many Futures (2021-2023).

Funding Call: Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF)

Funder: The Academy of MEdical Sciences and British Academy

Value: £19546

Role:  Principal Investigator (UK)


Internally funded research project information


Project Title: Understanding the challenges of female board representation in Nigeria

Funder: Faculty of Business and Law

Value: £1,515

