
Dr Paul Omar

Job: Senior Lecturer

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester De 91Ó°ÊÓ Law School

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 250 6311

E: paul.omar@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Paul has worked in mainstream British academia for 20 years, principally at Sussex University and also in Wales and the East Midlands. He has also had visiting appointments at the University of Pretoria, University College London and the Jersey Institute of Law, St. Helier. He has published over 230 books, edited collections, chapters and articles. Paul has served as Secretary of the INSOL Europe Academic Forum and as a member of the Steering Committee of the INSOL International Academic Group, the INSOL Europe Joint Academic-Practitioner Project on Cooperation and Communications, the Academic Advisory Group on the INSOL International Diploma Project and the Course Committee of the INSOL International Global Insolvency Practice Course. Paul has been a Consultant to the International Financial Corporation, a division of the World Bank, working in Asia and is now a consultant to the EBRD on a judicial training project in Armenia. He is also a delegate to UNCITRAL Working Group V and observer at the European Commission’s Experts Group on Restructuring and Insolvency.

Research group affiliations

The Institute for Evidence-Based Law Reform (IELR)

Publications and outputs

Technical Papers/Conference Proceedings:

The Grand Project: Reform of the European Insolvency Regulation: Proceedings of the Joint Insolvency Conference (Trier 2013) and the Academic Forum Annual Conference (Paris 2013) (2014) INSOL Europe (xii and 212) (with S. Bariatti);
International Insolvency Law: Future Perspectives (The Edwin Coe Lectures 2008-2014) (2015) INSOL Europe (xii and 220) (with R. Parry);
Teaching and Research in Comparative and International Insolvency Law: Proceedings of the Joint Insolvency Conference (Leiden 2014) (2015) INSOL Europe (x and 162) (with M. Veder);
Banking and Financial Insolvencies: The European Regulatory Framework: Proceedings of the Academic Forum Annual Conference (Berlin 2015) (2016) INSOL Europe (vii and 189) (with R. Parry);
Reimagining Rescue: Proceedings of the Joint Insolvency Conferences (Trier and Nottingham 2015) (2016) INSOL Europe (x and 175) (with R. Parry);
Post-Brexit Cooperation and Coordination of EU-UK Insolvencies (INSOL Europe Technical Paper) (2018) INSOL Europe.

Chapter Contributions:

Cross-Border Insolvency and Principles of Judicial Assistance: Recent Themes and Developments, Chapter (8) in B. Santen and D. van Offeren (eds), Perspectives on International Insolvency Law: A Tribute to Bob Wessels (2014) Kluwer (103-113);
Creditor Enforcement, Secured Property and the Insolvency Dynamic, Chapter in M. Thomas (ed), Immoveable Property: Issues across Sectors, across Jurisdictions (2014) JGLR Press (78-87);
Upstreaming Rescue and the Challenge for Reforming the European Insolvency Regulation, Chapter 7 in S. Bariatti and P. Omar (eds), The Grand Project: Reform of the European Insolvency Regulation: Proceedings of the Joint Insolvency Conference (Trier 2013) and the Academic Forum Annual Conference (Paris 2013) (2014) INSOL Europe (59-72);
The Routledge Companion to Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy (2017) Routledge (221-237) (with D. Burdette);
Benchmarking Insolvency Practice Frameworks: The Challenge of Creating Norms, Chapter 14 in J. Gant (ed), Harmonisation of European Insolvency Laws (2017) INSOL Europe (235-244) (with D. Burdette and A. Kastrinou);
The UNCITRAL Insolvency Initiative: An Appreciation on the 20th Anniversary of the Model Law (1997-2017), Chapter (0) in A. Lienhard et al. (eds), Mélanges en l’Honneur de J-L. Vallens (2017) Lextenso (417-426);
The Impact of Brexit on Cross-Border Restructurings, Chapter 7 in J. Gant (ed), The Rise of Preventive Restructuring Schemes: Challenges and Opportunities (2018) INSOL Europe (109-129); Chapter (3) in A. Leandro et al. (ed), Crisi transfrontaliera di impresa: orizzonti internazionali ed europei (2018) LUISS (59-79);
European Insolvency Response to Covid-19 Pandemic, Chapter 7 in S. Sharma and N. Shikha (eds), Covid-19: Exploring the New Normal in Insolvency (2021) IICA (66-76).

Refereed Articles:

A Reform in Search of a Purpose: French Insolvency Law Changes (Again!) (2014) 23 International Insolvency Review 201-220;
Lender Liability and Fault for Deepening Insolvency: A Comparative Analysis (2015) 132 South African Law Journal 39-58 (with J. Gant);
The Inevitability of “Insolvency Tourism” (2015) 62(3) Netherlands International Law Review 429-444;
Cambridge Gas Deflated: A Singular and Sad Situation (2015) 3 Nottingham Insolvency and Business Law e-Journal 31;
Corporate Rescue in the United Kingdom: Past, Present and Future Reforms (2016) 24 Australian Insolvency Law Journal 40-61 (with J. Gant);
Bucolic Dream or Arboreal Fantasy? The Willmott Saga, Insolvency Disclaimers and the Contract/Property Dichotomy (2016) 80(3) Conveyancer and Property Law Journal 197-214 (with J. Buchan);
Recognition of UK Insolvency Proceedings Post-Brexit: The Impact of a ‘No Deal’ Scenario (2018) 27(3) International Insolvency Review 422-444 (with C. Umfreville et al.);
The Evolution of Corporate Rescue in Singapore (2019) 27 Insolvency Law Journal 18-34 (with C. Watters).

Other Articles:

Upstreaming Rescue: Pre-Insolvency Proceedings and the European Insolvency Regulation [2014] 1 ICCLR 14-20;
The Revenue Rule and Cooperation under the Model Law: An Australian Perspective (2014) 11 ICR 17-24;
A Singular Tide in Insolvency Cooperation in Bermuda (2014) 11 ICR 159-167;
Rescue by Any Other Name (2014) 18 JGLR 200-214;
La Coopération Judiciaire en Matière de l’Insolvabilité : Une Histoire de Va-et-Vient aux Pays de la « Common-Law » (2014) 4 RPC 15-17;
The New Framework for Security Interests in Jersey: Scope and Formation Rules [2014] 10 ICCLR 331-342;
Un Aperçu Historique des Débuts du Redressement au Royaume-Uni (2014) 5 RPC 40-44;
The New Framework for Security Interests in Jersey: Priority Rules and Enforcement [2014] 11 ICCLR 385-395;
The Universe of Insolvency Cooperation and the Primeo Directive (2015) 12 ICR 32-41;
La Coopération entre les Juges et les Tribunaux : Le Nouvel Enjeu à l’Echelle Européenne (2015) 6 RPC 16-19;
L’Evolution du Redressement depuis l’An Deux Mille au Royaume-Uni (2016) 1 RPC 17-21;
Trends in Asset-Security Reforms: Legal Transplants and the Conflict between Civil Law and Common Law Systems (2016) 20 JGLR 5-34;
Jersey Companies and the “Freedom of Movement” in Insolvency (2017) 21 JGLR 326-346;
The Arrival of Corporate Rescue in Malaysia: New Frameworks and Challenges (2017) 14 ICR 408-416;
Judicial Cooperation in the Post-Singularis World (2018) 15 ICR 22-29;
“Super-Priority” and the Singapore Scheme: The Attilan Case (2018) 15 ICR 99-105;
Recognition of an Insolvency Proceeding: The Agrokor Case [2018] 5 ICCLR 319-331;
Ghost in the Machine: Survival of the Bankruptcy Cooperation Statute (2018) 22 JGLR 63-77;
Redrawing the Map: Changes to Insolvency Law and Practice in France 2015-2017 [2018] 7 ICCLR 427-441;
Remise de Biens: A Procedure of (un)Certain Value (2018) 22 JGLR 210-219.

Professional Journals:

The Novelty of Pre-Packs in Jersey: The Just and Equitable Winding Up Dynamic (2014) Eurofenix (Spring) 36-37;
The Ebbs and Flows of Judicial Cooperation in the Common Law (2015) Eurofenix (Summer) 28-30;
IP Regulation in France set for a Shake-Up! (2015) Eurofenix (Winter) 30-32;
European Insolvency Law Harmonisation: The Idea that has dared to speak its Name (2016) Eurofenix (Spring) 26-28;
The Challenges of Developing Benchmarks for Insolvency Practice (2016) 3 INSOL World 26 (with D Burdette);
Benchmarking Insolvency Practice Frameworks: The Challenges (2016) Eurofenix (Autumn) 24-25 (with D. Burdette);
Enhancing Practice Qualifications and Conditions: The European Dimension (2017) Eurofenix (Spring) 25-27 (with D. Burdette);
Asset Security and the Insolvency Connection: Time to Harmonise? (2017) Eurofenix (Autumn) 28-29;
Communication and Cooperation: The Continuing Challenge (2017) Eurofenix (Winter) 38-39 (with R. Vriesendorp);
Insolvency Practice in Small Jurisdictions: An Example of Innovation in Jersey (2018) Eurofenix (Winter) 30-31;
A SWOT-Test of Insolvency Reform: Lessons for Emerging and Developing Economies (2018) Eurofenix (Spring) 32-33;
Innovation Required: Technology Challenges for Insolvency Practice Ahead (Paper at Cyprus Interconnection of Insolvency Registers Conference) (published at ); (2020) Eurofenix (Autumn) 22-23.

Research interests/expertise

International and comparative insolvency law, property law, corporate law.

Areas of teaching

Land Law (LLB); Foundations of Property Law (GDL); Private International Law, Corporate Insolvency Law and Personal Insolvency Law (LLM).


LLB (Hons) (Exon); LLM in International Commercial Law (Sussex); DPhil (Sussex); Certificate in Egyptology (Exon)

Courses taught


Membership of professional associations and societies

Honorary Member of INSOL Europe

Professional licences and certificates

of Gray's Inn, Barrister (np);
Advocate and Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya (np).


ABLI/III Asian Principles of Business Restructuring Project (2018-present);
INSOL Europe Communications and Cooperation Guidelines Revision Project (2018-present).

Current research students

Zein Abdul Nassir Mukhtar, Foreign Judgment Enforcement and Cross-Border Insolvency in the Oil & Gas Sector (1st Supervisor)

ORCID number