Stokes, P. (2000) “Boats, Caves, Spies and Stories: A Narrative Study of Outdoor Management Development Programmes in the United Kingdom, Doctoral Thesis, Brunel University, Uxbridge, London, UK.
Stokes, P., (1993) The European Industrial Placement Environment: A United Kingdom Perspective, Journal of European Business Education, 3(1) 85‑101.
Stokes, P. and Martin, L. (2006) Reading Lists Under the Spotlight: Cinderella or Superstar? SCONUL (Society of College, National and University Libraries), 37:33-36.
Stokes, P. and McCulloch, A (2006) Beyond the Doctoral Process: A Call for the Re-focusing of the “How to…Get a PhD Literature, Journal of Graduate Education, 3(4):107-115.
Stokes, P., Bishop, R and Phillips, J. (2007) Introduction: Militarization and International Business? in Stokes, P., Bishop, R and Phillips, J (Eds) (2007) in the special Issue on Militarization and International Business Critical Perspectives on International Business, 3(1): 5-10.
Stokes, P. (2007) The “Militarizing” of Organization and Management Studies: Reconnoitring the Tensions – Problems and Possibilities for Reshaping the Terrain? in Stokes, P., Bishop, R and Phillips, J (Eds) (2007) in the special Issue on ‘Militarization and International Business “Critical Perspectives on International Business, 3(1): 11-26.
Dereli, C. and Stokes P. (2007) Reconceptualising Modernity for Management Studies: Exploring the Tension between the Scientific and the Spiritual in the Age of Modernism, Philosophy of Management 6(2): 131-139.
Stokes, P. and Martin, L. (2008) Reading Lists: A Study of Tutor and Student Perceptions, Expectations and Realities, Studies in Higher Education, 33(2): 113-125.
Stokes, P. (2008) Outdoor Management Development as Organizational Transformation: A Study of Anglo-French Paradoxical Experience in the Application of Alternative Human Resource Development Approaches. International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 8(1):23-39.
Ryding, D. and Stokes, P (2008) Convergence & Divergence of Educational Experience in European Contexts, International Journal of Management Cases, 11(2): 453-461.
Stokes, P. (2009) An Evaluation of the use of Competencies in Human Resource Development – a Historical and Contemporary Contextualisation in Vrontis, D., Weber, Y, Kaufmann, R. and Tarba, S. (2009) Managerial and Entrepreneurial Developments in the Mediterranean Area, Cyprus, EuroMed Press, pp.1534-1552.
Stokes, P. and Gabriel Y. (2010) Engaging with Genocide – the Challenge for Organization and Management Studies, Organization, 17(4): 461-480.
Scott, P, McIntosh, A, and Stokes, P. (2011) Medical Doctors’ Perceptions of Influences on Prescribing Behaviour and the Implications of Sales and Strategic Marketing Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Business Research Challenges in a Turbulent Era, Published Proceedings of the 4th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Businesspp.1620-1641, Cyprus, EuroMed Press.
Moore, N and Stokes, P (2011) Recontextualising and Reconceptualising Typologies of Elite Interviewing: Cases from the Football Industry, Business Research Challenges in a Turbulent Era, Published Proceedings of the 4th Annual EuroMed Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business pp.1239-1268, Cyprus, EuroMed Press.
XiaoYan, Q, Yong, H, Qingli, and Stokes, P (2012), Reverse Logistics Network Design Model Based on E-Commerce, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 20(2): 251-261.
Stokes, P and Harris, P. (2012), Micro-Moments, Choice and Responsibility in Sustainable Organizational Change and Transformation – The Janus Dialectic, The Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(4):595-611.
Moore, N and Stokes, P. (2012) Elite Interviewing and the role of Sector Context: An Organizational Case form the Football Industry, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 15(4): 438-464.
Stokes, P and Oiry, E (2012) An Evaluation of the Use of Competencies in Human Resource Development – a Historical and Contemporary Recontextualisation, EuroMed Journal of Business 7(1):4-23. [Awarded best paper in journal at 2013 EuroMed Conference].
Paulson, S. and Stokes, P. (2013) Globalization of Business Activity and the Demse of Postmodernism, Global Business and Economics Review, 15(2-3): 251-264.
Scott, P, McIntosh-Scott, A, and Stokes, P. (2013) Sales and Strategic Marketing Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry – Doctors as Customers and Their Decisions, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 7(1): 37-51.
Bamel, U. and Stokes, P. (2013) Organizational Climate and Managerial Effectiveness: An Indian Context, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21(2): 198-218.
Stokes, P., Moore, N. Hickman, M, Scott, P, Rowland, Russell, N. and Visser, M. (2013) Recasting the ‘Technologies’ of Outdoor Management Development: an Interpretivist Perspective on Tools, Models and Processes Used in the Field, Journal of Global Business Advancement, 6(4): 299-317.
Stokes, P. Moore, N. Brooks, S., Caulfield, P., Wells, J. (2013) Editorial - Sustainable and Responsible Business: Focal Cases, Sectors and Contexts, EuroMed Journal of Business, 8(3).
Mathews, M. and Stokes, P. (2013) The Creation of Trust – The Interplay of Rationality, Institutions and Exchange, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 25(9-10): 845-866.
Smith, S, Stokes, P & Wilson, J. (2013) Exploring the impact of Investors in People: A Focus on Training and Development, Job Satisfaction, and Awareness of the Standard, Employee Relations, 36(3): 266-279. [Highly Commended Paper Award – Emerald Publishing Awards 2015].
Abhimalla, R. K. , Dash, D. P., Baba, V. V., Stokes, P., & D’Cruz, P (2014). Doing and disseminating meaningful research. Research World, 11, Article S11.1. Retrieved from
Russell, N, Adderley, S, Stokes, P, Scott, P. (2014) The Competing Dynamics and Relationships in the Competing Dynamics and Relationships in Corporate and Local Government Agency Constructions of Place, Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, 3(1): 3-16.
Plane, J-M, Stokes, P and Brown, T. (2014) Editorial: L’avenir du management et l’interculturalité: vers un renouveau des recherches et des productions en GRH, revue@GRH, 2(11): produced on-line at , 3-6.
Smith, S. and Stokes, P. (2015), Signs and Wonders: Exploring the Effects and Impact of the Investors in People Logo and Symbols, European Journal of Training and Development, 39(4): 298-314
Bamel, U., Rangnekar, S, Stokes, P. and Rastogi, R. (2015) Managerial Effectiveness: An Indian Experience, Journal of Management Development 34 (2): 202 – 225.
Baker, C., Stokes, P., and Lichy, J. (2015) Values, Belief and Attitudes: The Implications for Organizational Culture, EFMD Global Focus (publication of the European Foundation for Management Development EFMD) 9(2): 37-39.
Stokes, P, Larson, M., Russell, N., Adderley, S., Moore, N., Mathews, M., Smith, S., Lichy, J., Scott, P., Ward, T., and Brindley, C.(2015) Smart Cities – Dynamic Sustainability Issues and Challenges for ‘Old World’ Economies: a Case from the United Kingdom, Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, 4(2): 3-22.
Stokes, P. Moore, N, Mathews, M, Moss, D, and Smith, S., Liu, Y (2015) The Micro-Dynamics of Intra-Organizational and Individual Behavior and their Role in Organizational Ambidexterity Boundaries, Human Resource Management (USA), 54(1): 63-86.
Stokes, P, Liu, Y., Smith, S., Leidner, S., Moore, N. and Rowland, C. (2015) Managing talent across advanced and emerging economies: HR issues and challenges in a Sino-German strategic collaboration, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(20): 2310-2338.
Rao-Nicholson, R., Khan, Z., Stokes, P. (2015) Making great minds think alike: Emerging market multinational firms’ leadership effects on targets’ employee psychological safety after cross-border mergers and acquisitions, International Business Review, 25(1):103-113.
Hickman, M and Stokes, P. (2016) Sights and insights: Vocational outdoor students’ learning through and about reflective practice in the workplace, Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 19(1): 22-32.
Hickman, M., & Stokes, P. (2016). Beyond learning by doing: an exploration of critical incidents in outdoor leadership education. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 16(1): 63-77.
Moore, N., Stokes, P. and Scott, P. (2016) Staging and managing match events in the English professional football industry: an SME learning perspective, Journal of Global Business Advancement, 9 (2): 179-194.
Hickman, M., Stokes, P., Gammon, S., Beard, C. & Inkster, A. (2016) Moments like diamonds in space: Savoring the ageing process through positive engagement with adventure sports, Annals of Leisure Research, 1-19.
Stokes, P., Baker, C., and Lichy, J. (2016) The Role of embedded individual values, belief and attitudes and spiritual capital in shaping everyday postsecular organizational culture, European Management Review, 13(1): 37-51.
Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S., M.J. Larson and Brindley, C. (2017) Organizational Ambidexterity and the Emerging-to-Advanced Economy Nexus: Cases from Private Higher Education Operators in the UK, Thunderbird International Business Review, 59(3): 333-348.
Hickman, M., Stokes, P., Beard, C., and Inkster, A. (2017) Doing the plastic fantastic: ‘artificial’ adventure and older adult climbers, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning. 19(2): 172-182.
Kabadayi, S and Stokes, P. (2017), Comments by Guest Editors, Value Creation Conceptualisation, Journal of Creating Value, 3(2), ix–xii.
Scott, P., Scott, T., Stokes, P., Moore, N., Rowland, C. and Ward, T. (2017) The consumer journey in The Digital Age: the challenges faced by destination and place marketing agencies. International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism (2)1: 28-45.
Scott, P., Scott, T., Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S.M., Rowland, C. and Ward, A. (2017) Reconceptualising Buyer Behaviour in the Digital Era: An Emergent Journey. International Journey of Technology Marketing 12 (2):165-179.
Bamel, U, Budhwar, P., Stokes, P. Paul, H (2017) Dimensions of Role Efficacy and Managerial Effectiveness: Evidence from India, Journal of Organisational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 4(3): 218-237.
Cooper, C., Stokes, P., Liu, Y, and Tarba, S. (2017) of Micro-Foundations of Organizational Behavior and Sustainability: Issues, Drivers and Trajectories? Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB-USA).
Tarba, S. Ahammad, F., Junni, P.Stokes, P., Morag, O. (2017) The Impact of Organizational Culture Differences, Synergy Potential, and Autonomy Granted to the Acquired Hightech Firms on the M&A Performance, Group & Organization Management. 44(3): 483-520.
Lichy, J and Stokes, P. (2018) Questioning the Validity of Cross-Cultural Frameworks in a Digital Era: The Emergence of New Approaches to Culture in the Online Environment, International Studies in Organisation and Management, 48(1):121-136.
Ashta, A, Stokes, P and Hughes, P. (2018) Change Management in Indo-Japanese Cross-Cultural Collaborative Contexts: Parallels between Traditional Indian Philosophy and Contemporary Japanese Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management. 31(1): 154-172.
Haldar, A., Shah, R., SVD, N. R., Stokes, P., Demirbas, D., & Dardour, A. (2018). Corporate performance: does board independence matter?-Indian evidence. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. 26(1): 185-200.
Scott, P., Higson, P., Fletcher, T., and Stokes, P. (2018) An analysis of the transformations of leadership and direction-setting in place marketing: a UK contextual view and case study, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 2(3): 239-254.
Seraphin, H., Smith S., Scott, P. and Stokes, P. (2018) Destination Management through Organizational Ambidexterity: A Study of Haitian Enclaves, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. 9: 389-392.
Manning, P., Stokes, P. Visser, M., Rowland, C., and Tarba, S. (2018) Dark Open Innovation in a Criminal Organizational Context: the Case of Madoff’s Ponzi Fraud, Management Decision. 56(6):1445-1462.
Paul, H, Bamel, U and Stokes, P. (2018) High-Performance Teams and Job Involvement: Exploring the Linkage to Augment Quality in Indian Education and Research, Industrial and Commercial Training. 50(5), 250-260.
Stokes, P, Mahajan, G, Lucas, G and Hughes, P. (2018) Creating Value – Value Co-Creation and Value Destruction, EFMDGlobal Focus, 12(2): 44-47.
Ullah, S, Wang, Z., Stokes, P., Xiao, W. (2018) Risk Perceptions and Risk Management Approaches of Chinese Overseas Investors: An Empirical Investigation, Research in International Business and Finance. 47, 470-486.
Stokes, P., Smith, S, Ward, T., Moore, N., Rowland, C., Ward, T. and Cronshaw, S. (2018) Resilience and the (Micro-)Dynamics of Organizational Ambidexterity: Implications for Strategic HRM, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(8): 1287-1322.
Rodgers, P, Stokes, P, Tarba, S and Khan, Z. (2018), The Role of Non-market Strategies in Establishing Legitimacy: The Case of Service MNEs in Emerging Economies, Management International Review. 59(4), 515-540.
Rodgers, P. Vershinina, N., Tarba, S, Stokes, P and Khan, Z (2018) Gaining legitimacy through proactive stakeholder management: The Experiences of high-tech women entrepreneurs in Russia, Journal of Business Research.
Paul, H., Bamel, U., Ashok, A. and Stokes, P. (2019) Examining an integrative model of resilience, subjective well-being and commitment as predictors of organizational citizenship behaviors, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(4).
Davoine, E., Barmeyer, C. and Stokes, P. (2019) When the “well-oiled machine” meets the “pyramid of people”: Role perceptions and hybrid working practices of middle managers in a bi-national organization – ARTE, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. 19(3), 251-272.
Wankhade, P. Stokes, P, Tarba, S and Rogers, P. (2019) Work intensification and Ambidexterity - the Notions of Extreme and ‘Everyday’ Experiences in Emergency Contexts: Surfacing Dynamics in the Ambulance Service, Public Management Review. 22(1), 48-74.
Manning, P., Stokes, P. Tarba, S and Rodgers, P. (2019) Entrepreneurial stories, narratives and reading – Their role in building entrepreneurial being and behaviour, The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. 21 (3) (2020): 178-190.
Gabriel, Y. and Stokes, P. (2020) Organizations and history – Are there any lessons to be learned from genocide?, "Problemy Zarzadzania- Management Issues" (the scientific quarterly edited by Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland) No 2. Special issue: Management as Symphonic (Hi)Story. Historical Approaches in Organizational Studies.
Wankhade, P. Stokes, P, Tarba, S and Rogers, P. (2019) Work intensification and Ambidexterity - the Notions of Extreme and ‘Everyday’ Experiences in Emergency Contexts: Surfacing Dynamics in the Ambulance Service, Public Management Review. 22(1), 48-74.
Yipeng, L., Vrontis, D., Visser, M. Stokes, P. Smith, S. Moore, N,. Thrassou, A., Ashta, .(2020) Talent management and the HR function in cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions: the role and impact of bi-cultural identity, Human Resource Development Review, 31(1):100744
Kraus, P., Cooper, C., Stokes, P., Liu, L., Moore, N, Britzelmaier, B., Tarba, S-Y. (2020) Cultural Antecedents of Sustainability and Regional Economic Development - A Study of SME ‘Mittelstand’ Firms in Baden-Württemberg (Germany), Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(7-8), 629-653.
Hughes, M., Hughes, P., Stokes, P., Lee, H., Degbey, W. (2020) Micro-foundations of Organizational Ambidexterity in the Context of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 153, 119932
Baker, N., Manning, P. Stokes, P. (2020) The ethical challenge of Big Tech’s “disruptive philanthropy”, International Studies in Management and Organisation, 50(3), 271-290.
Ashta, A, Stokes, P. Hughes, P., Smith, S. (2020) Japanese CEOs Cross-Cultural Management of Customer Value Orientation in India, Management Decision, 59(10), 2355-2368.
Stokes, P. (2021) On which values should be based corporate culture in the post-Covid-19 world?, Question de Management?, 31:207-209.
Brown, T. and Stokes, P. (2021) Events Management as a Community of Practice, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 4(2), 224-242.
Dekel-Dachs, O, Nadja-Janoszka, M, Stokes, P., Simba, A. and Tarba, S. (2021) Searching for a new perspective on institutional voids, networks, and the internationalisation of SMEs in emerging economies: A systematic literature review, International Marketing Review, 38(5), 879-899.
Vershina, N., Rodgers, P., Khan, Z. and Stokes P. (2021) Small firms’ non-market strategies in response to dysfunctional institutional settings of emerging markets, International Business Review. 31(4), p.101891.
Cronshaw, S., Stokes, P. and McCulloch, A. (2021) Mothers doing doctorates
part-time – why do we make it harder than it needs to be?, EFMD Global Focus, 15(3): 62-65.
Cronshaw, S.; Stokes, P. and McCulloch, A. (2021) Online Communities of Practice and doctoral study: working women with children resisting perpetual peripherality, Journal of Further and Higher Education. 46(7), 959-971.
Kraus, P., Stokes, P. Moore, N., Britzelmaier, B., Tarba, S., Dekel Dachs, O., and Rodgers, P. (2021) The ambidextrous interaction of RBV-KBV and Regional Social Capital and their impact on SME management, Journal of Business Research. 142, 762-774.
Morin, G and Stokes, P. (2022) Toward a theory of potency, power and function leadership, Revue Internationale de Psychosociologie et de Gestion des Comportements Organisationnels (RIPCO). 28(72), 53-78.
Moore, N., Rowe, L, Stokes, P., Smith, S., Lichy, J, Rodgers, P. (2022) Exploring intergenerational tensions and technological resilience: A post-pandeic perspective, Production Planning and Control. On-line.
Ashta, A, Stokes, P, Hughes, P. (2022) Japanese self-initiated expatriates’ adjustment to Indian assignments: the role of traditional values, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, on-line.
Yu, M, Jie, W, Smith, S. and Stokes, P. (2022) Building-up Resilience and Being Effective Leaders in the Workplace—A Systematic Review and Synthesis Model, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43 (7): 1098-1117.
Moorlock, E, Dekel-Dachs, O, Stokes, P. and Larsen, G. (2022) Constructing Consumer-Masstige Brand Relationships in a Volatile Social Reality, Journal of Business Research. 155, 113381.
Smith, S, Cripps, K, Stokes, P and Hughes, S. (2023) The Principles for (Ir)Responsible Management Education: An Exploration of the Dynamics of Paradox, the Hidden Curriculum, Competencies and Symbolization, Management Learning, on-line.
Bouguerra, A, Hughes, M, Rodgers, P. Stokes, P, Tatoglu, E and Haldun, I (2023) Confronting the grand challenge of environmental sustainability within supply chains: How can organizational strategic agility drive environmental innovation? Journal of Product Innovation Management. On-line.(accepted June 2023)
Kraus, P., Stokes, P., Moore, N., Ashta, A and Britzelmaier, B. (2023) An Elite Perspective on Interviewing Entrepreneurs – Methodological Considerations for the Entrepreneurship Field, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (on-line - accepted 8.7.23.)
Ashta, A and Stokes, P. (2023) A Consideration of the Dimensions of Servant Leadership in Inter-cultural Contexts: A Focal Case Study of a UK Executive in Japan., Asian Journal of Business Ethics (on-line – accepted 9.7.23
Lichy, J Kachour, M and Stokes, P. (2023) Questioning the business model of sustainable wine production: the case of French ; Vallee du Rhone' wine growers. Journal of Cleaner Production (on-line - accepted 10.7.23)
Stokes, P. (2023) Time to take a long-term view on artificial intelligence, Niche Magazine, July-September, p.16.
Stokes, P., Gordon, D. and Smith, K. (2023) Challenging the mechanisms of business, Niche Magazine, July-September, pp.36-37.
Stokes, P. (2023) Emergent Business Models in the 21st Century - The Threat of the Potent Epochal Tryptic, Questions de Management?, 44: 249.
Gordon, D, Stokes, P and Beckinsale, M. (2023) Managing post-Brexit/post-Covid extremes in SME businesses – A novel role for curriculum co-creation between SMEs and business schools, Questions de Management?, 45: 151-167.
Stokes, P. (2023) Uncertainty – a social construct and the modern(ist) myth of control, Questions de Management?, 45: 251.
Cronshaw, S., Stokes, P. and McCulloch, A. (2023) Outside looking in: Gendered roles and the well-being of working student mothers studying for a part-time PhD, Higher Education Quarterly (accepted on-line 18.9.23).
Stokes, P. (2023) The reluctant transition from modernistic business model myopia: paradigms, trajectories and the role of generational change, Questions de Management, 44: 183-193.
Wall, T, Ngo, N, Foster, S, Luong, P, Ho, T, Hindley, A and Stokes, P. (2024) The spatialization of decent Work and the role of employability empowerment for minority ethnic young people in emerging economies. PLoS One. (Accepted)
Lichy, J., Dutot, V and Stokes, P. (2024) Navigating the Boundaries between Technology and Social Change – Evaluating Acceptance of Visible Tattoos in the Workplace: The French Exception?, International Studies of Management and Organization (accepted)
Stokes, P. (2024) « Quelle organisation demain pour fidéliser ses collaborateurs ?»: How to organise for the future so as to build trust and engagement from staff and partners, Questions de Management?, 48: 221.
Ashta, A., Stokes, P. Hughes, P., Dekel-Dachs, O., Tarba, S and Rodgers, P. (2024) The expression of compassion in leadership in intercultural organizational situations: the case of Japanese leaders in India, European Management Review, (on-line-accepted 3.4.24)
Ashta, A. and Stokes, P. (2024) When Japanese ‘Omotenashi’ care fails in intercultural situations: an autoethnographic account of dynamics of thorny disharmony, Journal of Asia Business Studies (on-line accepted 27.8.24).
Ashta, A., Stokes, P., Visser, M. and Hughes, P. (2024) Japanese cross-cultural marketing in Indian B2B situations: the potency of cultural values congruence and confluence, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing (on-line accepted 28.8.24).
Visser, M., Stokes, P. Ashta, A. and Andersson, L. (2024) The ‘performative’ university: Theoretical and personal reflections, Journal of Educational Policy, On-line accepted 9.9.24).
Mai, B., Nguyen, P., Vo, N., Ahmed, Z and Stokes P. (2024) Government policy, IT structure, business model innovation and dynamic capability: catalysts for firm performance enhancement, Dynamic Relationships Management Journal, 13(2): 17-36.
Ashta, A. Stokes, P. (2024) Toxic leadership and spiritual capital: Japanese organizations in the USA and India, Management Decision (accepted on-line 30.12.24)
Mai Le, H., Nguyen, P., Stokes, P. (2025) Green influencers and consumers’ decoupling behaviors for parasocial relationships and sustainability. A comparative study between Korea and Vietnam, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, (accepted on line, 13.2.25)
Special Issues
Stokes, P. Bishop, R. Phillips, J. (Eds) (2007) Special Issue on Militarization and International Business in Critical Perspectives on International Business, 3(1):5-102.
Mihai-Yiannaki, S and Stokes, P. (2012) Risk Management for SMEs and Corporations Special Issue: International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 20 (4):374-447.
Stokes, P. Larson, M, Balasubrahmanyam, S, Kumar Singh, S (2013) Organizations and Organizing in an Indian Context, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 21(3): 243-471.
Stokes, P. Moore, N. Brooks, S., Caulfield, P., Wells, J. (2013) Sustainable and Responsible Business: Focal Cases, Sectors and Contexts, EuroMed Journal of Business, 8(3):195-272.
Moore, N and Stokes, P. (2014) Special Issue – Business and Organizational Development: Global Perspectives, Cultures and Domains, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 7(3).
Davoine, E., Oiry, E. and Stokes, P. (2014) Organizations and Organizing in a French Context, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 22(4): 426-572.
Plane, J-M, Stokes, P and Brown, T. (2014) Meilleurs papiers du 25e Congrès de l'AGRH à Chester (6-7 November 2014), revue@GRH, 2014/2, no.11: produced on-line at , 3-140.
Singh, S. and Stokes, P. (2015) Special Issue: Organizational Excellence in the Middle East, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 23(3): 337-504
Bamel, U and Stokes, P. (2016) Special Issue: of “Flexibility in HR Practices”, Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management. Volume 17(1):1–3.
Scott, P., Moore, N. and Stokes, P. (2016) Stakeholder relations and innovation: The role of ethics, trust and sustainability, Journal of Global Business Advancement, 9(2): 109-211.
Kabadayi, S and Stokes, P. (2017) Value Creation Conceptualisation, Journal of Creating Value, 3(2), 117-242.
Hickman, M and Stokes, P. (2019) Ageing, adventure and the outdoors: issues, contexts, perspectives and learning, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 19(2).
Scott, P., Stokes, P. & Gordon, D. (2018) Introduction – Dynamics, and discourses of place marketing: Events, media, narratives and trajectories, International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism, 2(3): 171-172.
Rademakers, M, Scheepstra, S and Stokes, P. (2019) Organizational Agility and Value Creation, Journal of Creating Value, 5(2).
Jones, D., Visser, M., Stokes, P., Ortenblad, A,, Deem, R., Rodgers, P., Tarba, S. (2020) The Performative University: ‘Targets’, ‘Terror’ and ‘Taking Back Freedom’ in Academia, Management Learning, 51(4), 363-377.
Stokes, P., Adla L., Gallego-Roquelaure, V. and Defélix, C. (2020) HRM and Innovation in SMEs, Employee Relations, 43 (2): 369-372.
Book Chapters
McCulloch, A. and Stokes, P. (2007) Normalizing the Part-Time Student Experience: Making the Rhetoric of diversity Real in Hinchcliffe, R, Bromley, T. and Hutchinson, S. (2007) Skills Training in Research Degree Programmes: Politics & Practice, Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
Stokes, P. (2009) Challenges of Simulation in Management Development, Torres-Coronas, T. and Arias-Oliva, M.(Eds) (2009) Encyclopedia of Human Resources Information Systems: Challenges in e-HRM, Information Science Reference(IGI Global): 124-130 .
Stokes, P. (2008) ‘Genocide’ commissioned entry in Gabriel, Y. (2008) Organizing Words – A Creative Thesaurus of Key Words in Social and Organizational Theories, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 116-117.
Stokes, P. (2012) The Janus Dialectic of Corporate Social Irresponsibility and Corporate Social Irresponsibility – The Role of Micro-Moments in Tench, R, Sun, W, Jones, B. (2012) Corporate Social Irresponsibility: A Challenging Concept, Bingley, Emerald, pp.64-83.
Foster, C., Moore, N. and Stokes, P. (2013) Rethinking Talent Management in Organizations: Towards a Boundary-less Model, Innovative Business Practice: Prevailing a Turbulent Era, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 17-41.
Kraus, P., Britzelmaier, B., Moore, N., und Stokes, P. (2015): Corporate Social Responsibility in mittelständischen Unternehmen: Eine synoptische Betrachtung – Hildebrandt, A., und Landhäußer, W.,(Eds.), CSR und Energiewirtschaft, Springer, Germany, pp.273-294.
Stokes, P. (2016) ‘Chapter 2: Historical and Contemporary Contexts: The Representation and Character of ‘Modern’ Organizations’, Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S., Rowland, C. and Scott, P. (2016) Organizational Management. London. Kogan Page, pp.27-45.
Stokes, P. (2016) ‘Chapter 3: Using critical approaches in managing people and organizations’ in Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S., Rowland, C. and Scott, P (2016) Organizational Management. London. Kogan Page, pp.51-66.
Thakur, M., Bansal, A. and Stokes, P. (2016) ‘The role of thriving and training in merger success: an integrative learning perspective, Finkelstein, S and Cooper, C. (2016) Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, 15: pp.1-35. Bingley, Emerald.
Hancock, C, Moore, N. and Stokes, P. (2016) “Globalisation and International Students: Remodelling Micro-international Aspects for the Entrepreneurial University” in Daly, P., Reid, K., Buckley, P., Doyle, E (eds) Innovative Business Education Design for 21st Century Learning, Switzerland, Springer.
Stokes, P. (2017) NVQs and Competency Approaches in the UK: contexts, Issues and Prospects in Mulder, M. (Ed.) (2017) Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education Bridging the Worlds of Work and Education.Cham: Switzerland, Springer International Publishing.
Kline, H and Stokes, P. (2017) The Dynamic of ICT and Smart Power: Implications for Managerial Practice in Muhlbauer, V and Harry, W. (2017) Redefining Management: Smart Power Perspectives, Germany, Springer, pp.31-46.
Kraus, P., Britzelmaier, B., Stokes, P. and Moore, N. (2018) Challenging the business case logic for sustainability as an instrument of CSR: Do consumer attitudes in Germany support a business case? The Critical State of Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe, Tench, R., Sun, W. and Jones, B. (2018) Bingley, Emerald.
Stokes, P. and Wall, T. (2018) ‘Human Capital, International Standards’, in Filho, W. (2018) Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Good Health and Well-Being, London, Springer.
Ashta, A., Stokes, P., & Hughes, P. (2019) Logic or Smiles?: International talent management across advanced and emerging economic contexts - Japanese expatriates’ cross-cultural communication friction in India. In Y. Liu (Ed.), Research Handbook of International Talent Management. Edward Elgar. pp 213 – 246.
Black, N. and Stokes, P. (2021) Corporate governance ideology, human resource practices and senior staff salaries, in Sanchez, G. and Garcia-Carbonell, N. (2021) Beyond Human Resources - Research Paths Towards a New Understanding of Workforce Management Within Organizations, InTechOpen.
Singh, N., Bamel, U., Stokes, P. (2021) ‘Chapter 7: Career Management’ in Mohapatra, M. and Dhir, S. (2021) Talent Management: a Contemporary Perspective, Delhi, Sage (India). 122-130.
Stokes, P and Smith S. (2023) Au prisme avec le casse-tête du developpement durable: des pistes pour les programmes des écoles de commerce – le DBA comme solution?’ (Wrestling with the “sustainability” conundrum: considering ways forward for the business school curricula – the DBA as a solution?) in Chevalier, F and Malika, M. (2023) Research in Sustainability, Paris, EMS Editions.
Published Books
McCulloch, A. and Stokes P. (2008) The Silent Majority: Meeting the Needs of Part-Time Research Students, SRHE Issues in Postgraduate Education: Management, Teaching and Supervision, London, Society for Research in Higher Education.
Stokes, P. (2011) Critical Concepts in Management and Organization Studies Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan.
Stokes, P. (2011) Key Concepts in Business and Management Research Methods, Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan.
Stokes, P and Wall T. (2015) Business Briefings – Research Methodology, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Stokes, P., Moore, N., Smith, S., Rowland, C. and Scott, P (2016) Organizational Management. London. Kogan Page.
Published Practitioner Books and Guides
Stokes, P, Harris, P., Millar, C, and Moss, D. (2011) Chester Forum II: Sustainable Business and Public Affairs, Chester Business School, University of Chester (ISBN: 978-1- 905929-96-2).
Stokes, P, Harris, P., Millar, C, and Moss, D. (2012) Chester Forum III: Strategic Competitive Advantage Through Innovation: Radical Thoughts and Conversations, Chester Business School, University of Chester (ISBN: 978-1-908258-09-8).
Moore, N., Stokes, P. Harris, P and Moss, D. (2013) Chester forum IV: Growth Through Exports and International Trade: challenges, Opportunities and New Horizons, Chester Business School, University of Chester – edited proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-908258-22-9)
Stokes, P. (2013) Principles for Responsible Management Education – Sharing Information on Progress Report, Chester Business School, University of Chester.
Passmore, J, Brown, H, Csigas, Z & the European Coaching and Mentoring Research Consortium (2017) The State of Play in European Coaching & Mentoring – Executive Report. Henley-on-Thames: Henley Business School and EMCC International ISBN 978-1-912473-00-7
Passmore, J. Brown, H, Wall, T and Stokes, P. et al. (2018) Executive Report 2018 – The State of Play in Coaching in the United Kingdom, Henley, European Mentoring and Coaching Council/Henley Management School (University of Reading).
British Standards Institution (2018) PAS3002:2018 Code of Practice on Improving Health and Wellbeing Within an Organization, British Standards Institution, London, BSI Standards Limited (ISBN 978 0 580 96537 1) [Nominated member of the drafting consultative and committee].