
Dr Tuan Anh Luong

Job: Associate Professor

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 257 7262

E: tuan.luong@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Tuan Anh Luong is currently an Associate Professor at De 91Ó°ÊÓ University. He received his PhD in Economics from Princeton University. He is also the Vice Director of the Institute for Research in Economics, Environment and Data Science. His research focuses on using firm-level data to gain insights on the impacts of globalization on firms’ performance, labour market and recently on the environment. He is particularly interested in the intersections between Globalization and Climate Change. His work was published in the Journal of Development Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, the World Economy, Review of International Economics, among others.

Research group affiliations

  • American Economic Association
  • China Trade Research Group
  • Empirical Investigation in Trade and Investment
  • International Economic and Finance Society
  • Asia Pacific Trade Seminar
  • MidWest Conference in Trade
  • Australian Trade Workshop

Publications and outputs

1. Liu Q., R. Lu, Y. Lu and T. Luong “Import Competition and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China”, forthcoming at the Journal of Development Economics
2. Fan, H. and T. Luong and E. Lai and L. Zhang (2020) “Import liberalization and Export Product Mix” – forthcoming at the Canadian Journal of Economics.
3. Luong, T. (2020) “Ethnic Diversity and the Quality of Export: Evidence from Chinese firm-level data” – forthcoming at the Journal of Economic Studies
4. Luong, T. (2020) “Reopening the economy and food security” – Covid Economics, vol. 56 pp. 195-243
5. Luong, T. and T. Nguyen (2020) “The impact of ICT on Service Trade” – forthcoming at the Singapore Economics Review.
6. Luong, T. and T. Nguyen, (2020) ''Globalization and infectious diseases: Evidence on the reproduction rate of the COVID-19 pandemic'', Economic Bulletin, 40(2) pp. 1675-1685.
7. Luong, T. (2018) “Picking Cherries or Lemons? A unified theory of cross-border mergers and acquisitions” – World Economy, vol. 41(2), pp. 653-666.
8. H. Fan and X. Gao and A. Li and T. Luong (2017) “Trade Liberalization and Markups: Micro Evidence from China” - Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 46(1), pp. 103-130.
9. Luong, T. and W. Chen (2016) “The Intensive and Extensive Margins of Exports and Labor Heterogeneity” – Review of Development Economics, vol. 20(1) pp.201-13.
10. Luong, T. (2013) “Does learning by exporting happen? Evidence from the automobile industry in China”, Review of Development Economics, vol. 17(3), pp. 461-73
11. Luong, T. (2011) “The Impact of Input and Output Tariffs on Firms’ Productivity”, Review of International Economics, vol. 19(5), pp.821-35.
12. Luong, T. (2007) “Monetary Policy and Credit Market Imperfections”, Vietnam Science & Technology Development, vol. 10(8) 

Research interests/expertise

International Trade; Environmental Economics; Network Economics; Development Economics

Areas of teaching

Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Statistics. 


PhD in Economics

Courses taught

Macroeconomics in the Global Context; Introduction to Microeconomics, Introduction to Macroeconomics, Introduction to Econometrics, Intermediate Microeconomic theory, Advanced Microeconomic theory, International Economics, Advanced International Economics, Frontier Research in International Economics. 

Honours and awards

  • Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Research Grant, 2009-2012, research fund.
  • Princeton University Graduate School Fellowship, 2004-2008, outstanding academic record.
  • Princeton University Centennial Fellowship, 2004-2006, outstanding academic record.
  • Princeton University Graduate School Summer Research Fellowship, 2005-2008, research fund.
  • French Government Fellowship (CROUS, EGIDE), 2001-2004, outstanding academic record.
  • Ho Chi Minh City National University Scholarship (highest rank), 1998-2000, best student awards.
  • The Vietnamese Ministry of Education Scholarship (highest rank), 1995-1998, outstanding academic record.

Membership of professional associations and societies

Royal Economics Society 2020-2023

Professional licences and certificates

Fellow of Higher Education Academy


  • Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) research fund (£6000) – Principal Investigator
  • Higher Education Innovation Funding – from 2020 to 2021 (£4,360) - Principal Investigator
  • The Trade and Investment Policy Reforms to Stimulate Economic Growth FTURS02-2020-04 – from 2021 to 2024 (£28,000) – Co Investigator
  • British Academy “Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling Global Challenges Program 2020” from 2021 to 2023 (£47,840) – Co Investigator
  • The Vietnamese National Foundation of Science and Technology “Globalisation and the impacts on Climate Change” from 2019 to 2021 (£24,000) – Principal Investigator

Forthcoming events

China Trade Research Group Summer workshop

Conference attendance

The University of Navarra (Spain), Beijing University of International Business and Economics, Tsinghua University, Beijing University, Nottingham University in Ningbo (China), Singapore Management University (Singapore), Queensland University (Australia), the City University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong), Toulouse School of Economics (France), Rouen University (France ), the Mid-West International Trade Meeting, the International Economic and Finance Society meeting, the International Economic Association meeting, the Econometric Society in North America, in Europe and in Asia, EITI Conference, GEP conference, Australian Trade Workshop, European Trade Study Group, Royal Economic Society Meeting, Asia Pacific Trade Seminars. 

Recent research outputs

The Intensive and Extensive Margins of Exports and Labor Heterogeneity – with Wei-Chih Chen - Review of Development Economics, 2016, vol. 20, Issue 1, pp. 201-213

Tuan Anh Luong (2013) - Does learning by exporting happen? Evidence from the automobile industry in China– Review of Development Economics, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 461-73

Tuan Anh Luong (2011) - The Impact of Input and Output Tariffs on Firms’ Productivity, Review of International Economics, Vol.19, No.5, pp.821-35


Country of Export Destination Effects - with Shenyu Li and Rong Huang - Lambert Academic Publishing, 2016

Current research students

Georgios Kitsoleris; Zenas Azuma; Nhan Le; Bilal Liadi

Externally funded research grants information

  • Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) research fund (£6000) – Principal Investigator
  • The Trade and Investment Policy Reforms to Stimulate Economic Growth FTURS02-2020-04 – from 2021 to 2024 (£28,000) – Co Investigator
  • British Academy “Humanities and Social Sciences Tackling Global Challenges Program 2020” from 2021 to 2023 (£47,840) – Co Investigator
  • The Vietnamese National Foundation of Science and Technology “Globalisation and the impacts on Climate Change” from 2019 to 2021 (£24,000) – Principal Investigator
  • Australian Embassy in Vietnam “Vietnam Industrial Map Building” – from 2020 to 2021 (£63,000) – Co Investigator
  • “Social and Institutional Aspects of Vietnam integration” research grant from 2017 to 2019 (£15,000) – Co investigator 

Internally funded research project information

  • Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Research Grant 2009-2012. 

Professional esteem indicators

Referee for Review of Development Economics; Journal of Asian and African Studies; World Economy; Frontiers of Economics in China; European Economics Review; International Economic Journal; International Trade and Economic Development. 

ORCID number


Tuan Luong