
Dr Victor Atiase

Job: Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester Castle Business School

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 366 4573

E: victor.atiase@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr Victor Y. Atiase  is currently the Deputy Director of the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Programme in charge of research excellence at the Faculty of Business and Law. Victor is also a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and  Finance at the  School of Accounting Finance and Economics (SAFE). Prior to Victor taking an academic role in Demontfort University, he held an academic role in Coventry University at the International Centre for Transformational Entrepreneurship (ICTE), Faculty of Business and Law as a Lecturer in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship teaching and supervising both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Also, he held a Visiting Lecturer position at the University of Wolverhampton Business School, United Kingdom. Outside the United Kingdom, Victor also held  teaching positions as a lecturer in both Perez University and EP. University Colleges all in Ghana (2008 to 2015). Currently,  he is  a Visiting Research Fellow at the Central University of Technology, Free State Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Before taking a full-time academic position in the UK, Victor  spent close to a decade of his professional life in the broad spectrum of financial institutions (Commercial Banking, Rural Banking, Savings and Loans and FNGOs) specialising in credit risk management and microfinance, seeing to the financing, growth and training of countless SMEs.

Academically, Victor has a BSc in Business Administration (Public Adinstration) with a first class hounours, an MSc in International Development from the University of Bath, UK, a PhD in Entrepreneurial Finance from the University of Wolverhampton,UK and a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) from the Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa.

Victor is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK, member of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), member of the British Academy of Management (BAM) and member of the Institute of Small Business  and Entrepreneurship (ISBE). He is also a Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE) of the Chartered Association of Business Schools, UK.

Victor's research is interdisciplinary and interfaces with finance and entrepreneurship. I have a strong research trajectory in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance. I currently pursue an active research agenda on the Digital Capability of SME owners, FinTech and the Creative and Cultural sectors in Africa. I am currently a Co-Investigator in a research project in partnership with the African Union-Economic, Social and Cultural Council to provide cutting-edge financial literacy training (that encompasses FinTech) to SMEs found in the Creative and Cultural Sectors of Ghana with the view to match them with providers of finance and to evaluate the effectiveness of the training in accelerating their access to finance. The outcomes of the study will provide lessons for SMEs in the Creative and Cultural Sector in other African Countries.

He has published in a number of international journals including the Journal of Entrepreneurial Beahaviour and Research,  Technological Forecasting and Social Change,  and Strategic Change Journal  among others.

Victor is a reviewer for a number of  Journals including Cogent Management Journal, Transactions on Engineering Management Journal (TEMJ and the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research. He is also a reviewer for the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) United Kingdom.


Research group affiliations

The Finance and Banking Research Centre (FiBRe)
The Centre for Enterprise and Innovation (CEI)

Publications and outputs


1. Atiase, V.Y, Wang, Y. and Mahmood, S. (2023), "Does managerial training increase SME managers’ Effectiveness? A capability development approach International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, (ABS***).

2. Adjimah H.P; Atiase, V.Y.; Dzansi, DY (2023) ‘‘Does financial incentive increase the commercialisation of indigenous innovations? Empirical evidence from Ghanaian local firms’’, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research (ABS***) 

3. Adjimah, H.P; Atiase, V.Y.; Dzansi, DY (2022) Examining the Role of Regulation in the Commercialisation of Indigenous Innovation in Sub-Saharan African Economies: Evidence from the Ghanaian Small-Scale Industry, Administrative Sciences, Vol 12, pp. 2-21. DOI:

4. Atiase, V.Y; Agbanyo, S; Ameh, J.K; Sambian, R.M; Ganza, P. (2022) ''Creating Value for Whom?  Digitization and Governance Practices of Non-Tradional Export Firms in Africa'', Strategic Change Journal, Vol.31, pp 31-44 (ABS**)  

5. Kolade,Oluwaseun ; Atiase, Y. Victor ; , William; , K. Natasha  (2021). The business models of tech hubs in Africa: implications for viability and Sustainability Technology Analysis & Strategic Management(ABS**)https://doi.org/10.1080/09537325.2021.1947492

6. Atiase V.Y. Dzansi D. Y. &  Ameh K. Johnson (2021) ‘‘ Technology absorption capacity and firm growth in Africa ’’ Int. J. Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2021 pp.201-229 (ABS*)

7. Atiase VY; Oluwaseun Kolade; Tahiru Liedong (2020). The emergence  and strategy of tech hubs in Africa: Implications for Knowledge production and value creation Technological Forecasting and Social Change Vol 161,120307 (ABS***)

8. Atiase VY, Dzansi DY (2020) Investigating the drivers of product innovation in emerging markets: The African perspective. Strategic Change. Vol. 29, No.1 pp..29:89–101 (ABS**)   

9. Atiase, V.Y. and Mahmood, S. Wang, Y. (2020), ‘‘Does institutional logic matter in microfinance delivery? An empirical study of microfinance clients, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 26 No. 2, pp. 177-202 (ABS***) 

10. Atiase, V.Y, Wang, Y., and Mahmood, S. (2019) ‘‘FNGOs and financial inclusion: investigating the impact of microcredit on employment generationInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Vol. 20 No. 2pp.91-106 (ABS**) 

11. Atiase V.Y., Mahmood, S., Wang, Y. and Botchie, D. (2018) ‘‘Entrepreneurship development in Africa: investigating critical resource challenges’’, Journal of Small Business, and Enterprise Development. Vol. 25, No. 4, pp.644-666 (ABS**)

12. Dzansi D. Y. & Atiase V.Y. (2014) ‘‘Reflecting on microfinance in poverty reduction’’ Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 5 No 21. pp.345-35. 


1. Oyerinmade R, Oladejo , Adekunle I, Ogunsade, Seun Kolade, and Victor Y. Atiase, ‘‘Crowdfunding and Traditional Finance: The Prospects and Challenges for SMEs in Nigeria’’. Javed Hussain, Jonathan M. Scott and Samuel Salia (Ed) in the Entrepreneurial Financial Resilience and Financial Innovation in a Turbulent Era, Edward Elgar Publishing

2. Atiase, V.Y., Agbanyo K. Senyo; Ganza Patronella; Ameh. K. Johnson and Sambian, Robert (2022) ‘‘Understanding SME Financial Resilience and Survivability in Africa’’ edited by Javed Hussain, Jonathan M. Scott and Samuel Salia (Ed) in the Entrepreneurial Financial Resilience and Financial Innovation in a Turbulent Era, Edward Elgar Publishing

3. Atiase, VY. Sarpong, D. Agbanyo S. Ameh, JK (2022) '' Crafting Organisational Resilience'' Kingsley Obi Omeihe and Christian Harrison (Ed.) in The African Context of Business and Society, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 79-95

4. Mordi,Jones; Oriade, Ade; Wang, Yong;  Atiase, V.Y (2020) ''Digital banking and customer satisfaction: The Nigerian Perspective'' Park Thaichon and Vanessa Rattan (Ed.)  in Transforming relationship marketing: strategies and business models in the digital age 

5. Atiase, VY. and Y. (2019), "Microfinance and Necessity Entrepreneurship: The Ghanaian Experience", Dana  and  (Ed.) in Societal Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 155-170. Emerald Publishers 


1.  Agbanyo, Senyo, Atiase, Victor Y. ; Salia,Samuel  and  Mgbame,Oscar (2023) '' Towards SME Sustainability and Financial Performance: The mediating role of Digital Capability'' British Academy of Management Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, Septeember, 2023

2.Robert Sambian, Atiase V.Y, Samuel Salia, Oscar Mgbame (2023) " The effect of pricing Strategy on the Sustainability of Microfinace Institutions: Evidence from Ghana’’  presented at the 2023 Annual Conference for the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Sheffield, 17th-19th April 2023

3. Patronella Gnaza, AtiaseV.Y, Samuel Salia, Amal Ahmad Khair (2023) " Healthcare Financing Gaps, Schemes and Life Expectancy in Africa " presented at the 2023 Annual Conference for the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Sheffield, 17th-19th April 2023

4. Atiase V.Y, Senyo Agbanyo, Patronella Gnaza, Robert Sambian, Johnson Kwesi Ameh (2022) " Investigating Financial Resilience and Survivability of SMEs in Africa: A Panel Study" presented at the 43rd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, York,United Kingdom

5. Johnson Kwesi Ameh, Atiase V.Y, Dennis Y. Dzansi (2022) " Does Microcredit Increase Household Wellbeing? Empirical Evidence from Ghana: A Panel Study" presented at the 43rd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, York

6. Adjimah, H.P; Atiase, V.Y.; Dzansi, DY (2022) Financial mechanisms in promoting indigenous innovations in developing countries: below-the-radar-theory perspective, British Academy of Management, Manchester University, August 31- 2 September 2022

7. Ganza, Patronella; Atiase, V.Y; Ameh, Johnson; Makila, R. Sambian; Agbanyo, Senyo (2022) ‘‘Sustaining healthcare financing in Africa: the stakeholder approach’’, The Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance-The Role of Accounting, Finance & Governance in Sustainability and Sustainable Development, 26th June 2022, Turkey

8. Atiase, V.Y., Agbanyo K. Senyo; Ameh. K Johnson; Sambian Robert ; Ganza Patronella;  Chukwunalu Ishie Zephaniah (2021), ''The value creation process and governance of the African Non-Traditional Export Sector presented at British Academcy of Management Conference 2021,  United Kingdom

9. Ameh. K Johnson, Atiase, V.Y.,  Dzansi Dennis; Agbanyo K. Senyo ; Sambian Robert ; Ganza Patronella;  Chukwunalu Ishie Zephaniah (2021), ''Financial bootstrapping and survivability in family firms: A resource-based perspective at British Academcy of Management  Conference 2021,  United Kingdom (Received the best developmental paper award in Strategy Track).

10. Atiase VY; Oluwaseun Kolade; Tahiru Liedong (2020) Tech hubs in Africa: Implications for knowldge production and value creation, British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester 2020, United Kingdom.

11. Atiase V.Y, Dzansi DY, Sarpong David (2020) ‘‘Managerial Resilience and Performance: A human Capital Approach’’ presented at the 42nd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Newcastle

12. Atiase, V.Y., Mahmood, S.; Wang Y (2019) ‘‘FNGOs and Financial Services Delivery: An institutional logic perspective’’ presented at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

13. Atiase, V.Y.; Asorwoe, E; Ablorde, Fand Kolade, S. (2019) ‘‘Tax compliance cost: the hidden effect on international trade in Africa’’ presented at the 2019 British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Conference at Birmingham University between 8-10th April 2019.

14. Atiase V.Y. and DY Dzansi (2019) ‘‘The Drivers of Product Innovation in Africa’’ presented that the International Conference of Enterprise Development, at Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa on 3rd-5th April 2019

15. Atiase, V.Y. and Lockyer, J. (2018) ''Designing a Pro-poor Credit Risk Management System for Financial Inclusion: An Empirical Analysis'' presented at the 41st Annual Conference of ISBE 2018 at Birmingham, United Kingdom.

16. Atiase, V.Y. and Botchie, D. (2018) ''Does Managerial Training have any impact on the performance of MSE Managers? Empirical evidence from Ghana at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom (received the best full paper award in the performance management track) 

17. Botchie, D. and Atiase, V.Y. (2018) ''The nexus between technology absorption and firm growth in Africa: A resource-based perspective'' presented at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom.

18. Atiase, V.Y. (2018) ''Public policy and Entrepreneurship development in Africa'' at the ICTE Annual Workshop at Ghana Technology University, Ghana, Accra on 29th June 2018.

19. Atiase V.Y. (2017) ''Investigating the impact of FNGOs on the performance of MSEs in Ghana'Presented in a research symposium on Championing Difference: Exploring Entrepreneurship Amongst the Socially Excluded, University of Huddersfield Business School, on 7th September 2017.

Research interests/expertise

Microfinance, Entrepreneurial Finance, SMEs, Fintech and  Behavioural Finance

Areas of teaching

  • Behavioural Finance (postgraduate)
  • Quantittative Techniques  (undergraduate)
  • Financial Decision Making (undergraduate)
  • Research Methods (postgraduate)
  • Essential Business Intelligence and Financial Decision Making (undergraduate)
  • Business Continuity, Crises  and Project Management


2016- 2018: Doctor of Philosophy, University of Wolverhampton Business School, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. (Specialism: Entrepreneurial Finance).

2013- 2016: Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa (Specialism: Microfinance Credit Risk Management).

2017-2018: Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Professional Practice (PGCE), Institute of Education, University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

2007- 2008: Master of Science in International Development, University of Bath, United Kingdom (Specialism: International Development and Microfinance).

2001- 2006: Bachelor of Science in Administration (First Class Honours), University of
Ghana Business School, Legon, Ghana.

Courses taught

    • Adanced Corporate Finance (undergraduate)
    • Behavioural Finance (postgraduate)
    • Quantittative Techniques  (undergraduate)
    • Financial Decision Making (undergraduate)
    • Research Methods (postgraduate)

Honours and awards

1.Vice Chancellor Research Excellence Award (2024), De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Leicester

2.Academic Mentor of the year (2023), Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Leicester

3.Academic Individual of the year (2023), Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Leicester

4.British Academy of Management Best paper Award, 2018

5.Central University of Technology, South Africa, Postdoctoral Research Grant worth R100,500 for 3 years

Membership of external committees

1. Member, Institute for small business and entrepreneurship (ISBE), United Kingdom

2.Member, British Academy of Management (BAM),United Kingdom

3.Member, British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), United Kingdom

Professional licences and certificates

Fellow, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom (FHEA)

Certified Management and Business Eduactor (CMBE)


2023 91Ó°ÊÓ Small Grant: - Financial technology literacy and ESG practices of the Ghanaian Creative Sector in accelerating access to finance.  In partnership with the African Union-Economic, Social and Cultural Council 

Conference attendance

1.  Agbanyo, Senyo, Atiase, Victor Y. ; Salia,Samuel  and  Mgbame,Oscar (2023) '' Towards SME Sustainability and Financial Performance: The mediating role of Digital Capability'' British Academy of Management Conference, University of Sussex, Brighton, Septeember, 2023

2.Robert Sambian, Atiase V.Y, Samuel Salia, Oscar Mgbame (2023) " The effect of pricing Strategy on the Sustainability of Microfinace Institutions: Evidence from Ghana’’  presented at the 2023 Annual Conference for the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Sheffield, 17th-19th April 2023

3. Patronella Gnaza, AtiaseV.Y, Samuel Salia, Amal Ahmad Khair (2023) " Healthcare Financing Gaps, Schemes and Life Expectancy in Africa " presented at the 2023 Annual Conference for the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA), Sheffield, 17th-19th April 2023

4. Atiase V.Y, Senyo Agbanyo, Patronella Gnaza, Robert Sambian, Johnson Kwesi Ameh (2022) " Investigating Financial Resilience and Survivability of SMEs in AfricaA Panel Study" presented at the 43rd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, York,United Kingdom

5. Johnson Kwesi Ameh, Atiase V.Y, Dennis Y. Dzansi (2022) " Does Microcredit Increase Household Wellbeing? Empirical Evidence from Ghana: A Panel Study" presented at the 43rd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, York

6. Adjimah, H.P; Atiase, V.Y.; Dzansi, DY (2022) Financial mechanisms in promoting indigenous innovations in developing countries: below-the-radar-theory perspective, British Academy of Management, Manchester University, August 31- 2 September 2022

7. Ganza, Patronella; Atiase, V.Y; Ameh, Johnson; Makila, R. Sambian; Agbanyo, Senyo (2022) ‘‘Sustaining healthcare financing in Africa: the stakeholder approach’’, The Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting, Accountability & Governance-The Role of Accounting, Finance & Governance in Sustainability and Sustainable Development, 26th June 2022, Turkey

8. Atiase, V.Y., Agbanyo K. Senyo; Ameh. K Johnson; Sambian Robert ; Ganza Patronella;  Chukwunalu Ishie Zephaniah (2021), ''The value creation process and governance of the African Non-Traditional Export Sector presented at British Academcy of Management Conference 2021,  United Kingdom

9. Ameh. K Johnson, Atiase, V.Y.,  Dzansi Dennis; Agbanyo K. Senyo ; Sambian Robert ; Ganza Patronella;  Chukwunalu Ishie Zephaniah (2021), ''Financial bootstrapping and survivability in family firms: A resource-based perspective at British Academcy of Management  Conference 2021,  United Kingdom (Received the best developmental paper award in Strategy Track).

10. Atiase VY; Oluwaseun Kolade; Tahiru Liedong (2020) Tech hubs in Africa: Implications for knowldge production and value creation, British Academy of Management Conference, Manchester 2020, United Kingdom.

11. Atiase V.Y, Dzansi DY, Sarpong David (2020) ‘‘Managerial Resilience and Performance: A human Capital Approach’’ presented at the 42nd Annual Conference for the Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Newcastle

12. Atiase, V.Y., Mahmood, S.; Wang Y (2019) ‘‘FNGOs and Financial Services Delivery: An institutional logic perspective’’ presented at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

13. Atiase, V.Y.; Asorwoe, E; Ablorde, Fand Kolade, S(2019) ‘‘Tax compliance cost: the hidden effect on international trade in Africa’’ presented at the 2019 British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Conference at Birmingham University between 8-10th April 2019.

14. Atiase V.Y. and DY Dzansi (2019) ‘‘The Drivers of Product Innovation in Africa’’ presented that the International Conference of Enterprise Development, at Central University of Technology, Bloemfontein, South Africa on 3rd-5th April 2019

15. Atiase, V.Y. and Lockyer, J. (2018) ''Designing a Pro-poor Credit Risk Management System for Financial Inclusion: An Empirical Analysis'' presented at the 41st Annual Conference of ISBE 2018 at Birmingham, United Kingdom.

16. Atiase, V.Y. and Botchie, D. (2018) ''Does Managerial Training have any impact on the performance of MSE Managers? Empirical evidence from Ghana at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom (received the best full paper award in the performance management track) 

17. Botchie, D. and Atiase, V.Y. (2018) ''The nexus between technology absorption and firm growth in Africa: A resource-based perspective'' presented at BAM Conference on 5th September 2018 at the University of West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom.

18. Atiase, V.Y. (2018) ''Public policy and Entrepreneurship development in Africa'' at the ICTE Annual Workshop at Ghana Technology University, Ghana, Accra on 29th June 2018.

19. Atiase V.Y. (2017) ''Investigating the impact of FNGOs on the performance of MSEs in Ghana'' Presented in a research symposium on Championing Difference: Exploring Entrepreneurship Amongst the Socially Excluded, University of Huddersfield Business School, on 7th September 2017.

Consultancy work

1.Course Holder/Academic Expert (June -December 2022)  Blended Master of Management Sciences in Entrepreneurship Course Development Project, Central University of Technology, Free State South Africa

2. Academic Expert/Course  Developer: Online master's foundation course in Public Administration, Euro - Mediterranean University, Slovenia ( ),August 2021

Current research students

Doctoral Supervisions:

1. Senyo Kwasi Agbanyo (First Supervisor) (2020-2024) – Completed

Project title: Financial Literacy, Digital Capability and Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises in Ghana, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

2. Robert Sambian (First Supervisor) (2020-2023)- Completed

Project title: Examining the Determinants of Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Ghana, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

3. Patronella Ganza (First Supervisor) (2021-2024)- Completed

Project title: Healthcare Financing in Africa: Examining the determinants of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Utilisation in Ghana, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom.

4. Oye Oladejo (Second Supervisor) (2021-2024)-Ongoing

Project title: Crowdfunding and Alternative Financing Mechanisms in Nigeria: The Influence of Institutional Context, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

5. Darshan Bhat[Second Supervisor (2022-2026)] - Ongoing

Project title: '' Investigating the impact of Financial Inclusion on Poverty Reduction in India’’ Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

6. Adebola, Adeniyi (DBA) [First Supervisor (2022-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Examining the Impact of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in Decision-Making and Hotel Performance. A case study of the Nigerian hospitality industry, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

7. Chinwe Emedo (DBA) [First Supervisor (2022-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Examining the impact of AI on Real Estate Marketing and Property Management in Nigeria, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

8. Joseph G. Fadowole-Aje (DBA) [First Supervisor (2022-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Financial Resilience, Business Sustainability and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Nigerian FMCG sector, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

9. Josephine Michael-Oshineye (DBA) [First Supervisor, (2022-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Examining Staff Retention Strategies in SME Growth and Performance, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

10. Frank Agbley [First Supervisor, (2023-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Examining the impact of Commercial Banks on Start-Up Innovation and Sustainability in Ghana (2023-2026), Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

11. Raphael Botchie [First Supervisor, (2023-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: Climate Change Adaptation Financing in Autonomous Smallholder farmers in Ghana, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

12. Gao Yuan [First Supervisor (2023-2026)]-Ongoing

Project title: The Impact of Fintech on SME Financial Sustainability in China, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

Master's Dissertation Completions:

1. Chanida Sayamit (completed 2020): Investigating the barriers to the adoption of contactless Mobile Payment (CMP) platforms: A case study of Thailand, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

2. Teepakornsukasem Gungamon(completed 2020): Transfer pricing regulation in Thailand: The role of the Asean Economic Community (AEC), Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

3. Vongasvathepchai Jinnipak (completed 2020)The barriers to cashless System in Thailand during the Fintech era among 200 young people ages between 18-30, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

4. Ketchart   Kullanit(completed 2020): The role of Financial Technology in Commercial Banking Operations: A case study of Thailand, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, United Kingdom

5.Charles Dunn(completed 2020): The Impact of Bank Closures on Communities in the UK – Empirical Evidence from Essex, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University United Kingdom

6. Saiwen Guo (completed 2021): The Use of E-payment Systems and Mobile Applications in China, Faculty of Business and Law, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University United Kingdom

Professional esteem indicators

1. Convenor, ‘‘Alternative research methods: untangling research rhetorics and publishing realities’’ British Academy of Management, 29th June 2022.

2. Internal Examiner, PhD,‘‘Essays on Decentralised Solar PV in Ghana: Economic Viability, Barriers to Uptake, and Developmental Impacts’’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University (2024)

3. External Examiner, DBA ‘‘Black Magic Marketing, Myth or Material?  An examination of Marketing Effectiveness within the Afro-Caribbean Entrepreneurial Community in South of London, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom (2024)

4. External Examiner, PhD ‘‘ An exploration of the factors that influence the impact of Microcredit: The Case of Ghana, The University of Hertfordshire (2023)

5. External Examiner, PhD ‘‘Entrepreneurial Finance Models for Born-global Firms in Nigeria. Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (2023)

6. Independent Chair, PhD Examination, Addressing Accountability and Governance within NGOs in Nigeria: Practice, Principles and Solutions-A case study of Nigerian NGOs, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University (2024)

7. Independent Chair, PhD Examination, Agricultural Value Chain Optimisation in a Turbulent Economy, A study of Smallholder Farmers in Nigeria, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University (2023)

ORCID number


Working Papers

1. Tax Compliance cost and International Trade in Africa

2.  Managerial resilience and performance: A human capital approach

3. Credit Risk Governance and Control in Microfinance Institutions (MFIS)

4. Technological absorption and growth strategy of indigenous African firms: A resource-based perspective

5. The promise of the Islamic Microfinance Model (IMM)l for financial inclusion in Africa

6. Conceptualising Digital Ecosystems for small businesses

7. Investigating the impact of   group lending schemes on SME performance
