
Mr Abdulwahhab Khedr

Job: PhD Student

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: abdulwahhab.khedr@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

  • Ph.D student in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics) focusing on peptide-based bio-nanomaterials.
  • Member of Peptide Bionanomaterials Group () that studies self-assembly of short de novo peptides into bioinspired structures, for the development of soft functional bionanomaterials, purposely designed for different biomedical applications.
  • Assistant lecturer of ‘Pharmaceutics and industrial Pharmacy’ with more than 10 years of work experience in higher education at Zagazig University (Egypt).

Research group affiliations

Leicester Institute of Pharmaceutical Innovation for Integrated Care (LIPIIC)

Publications and outputs

  • Cordeiro, A.S.; Patil-Sen, Y.; Shivkumar, M.; Patel, R.; Khedr,A.; Elsawy, M.A. Nanovaccine Delivery Approaches andAdvanced Delivery Systems for the Prevention of ViralInfections: From Development to Clinical Application.Pharmaceutics 2021, 13(12), 2091.https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics13122091
  • Khedr A.A., Shehata T.M., El-Ghamry H.A. Formulation, invitrooptimization and in-vivo evaluation of sustained-releasetransdermal patches of venlafaxine hydrochloride. LatinAmerican Journal of Pharmacy. 2017; 36 (8): 1664-74.
  • A. A. Khedr, T. M. Shehata, H. A. EL-Ghamry. Formulationand evaluation of venlafaxine hydrochloride tablets. PharmaScience Monitor. 2016; 7(2): 306-318.

Research interests/expertise

Peptides self-assembly, nanotechnology, drug formulation, targeted drug delivery, pharmaceutical technology, cancer research.

Areas of teaching

Physical pharmacy, Pharmaceutical dosage forms, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical technology.


  • M.Sc of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmaceutics) in 2016 (Zagazig University, Egypt).
  • B.Sc. of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2009 (Zagazig University, Egypt)

Honours and awards

“Newton-Mosharafa fund” (£156,056 for 4 years) for a Ph.D studentship, jointly funded by the British Council and the cultural affairs and missions sector of the Egyptian Ministry of higher education (Mar. 2019).

Conference attendance

  • Poster presentation entitled (''Mix and Gel'': A novel approachfor the development of cost-effective nanofibrous peptidehydrogels for biomedical application). Abdulwahhab Khedr,Mohamed Soliman, Mohamed A. Elsawy. The 16th AnnualMeeting RSC Biomaterials Chemistry Group (Jan. 2022).
  • Poster presentation entitled (Formulation and evaluation ofonce daily sustained-release antidepressant tablets ofvenlafaxine hydrochloride). The 6th Scientific Conference ofFaculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, Egypt (Mar. 2017).

PhD project


Anticancer peptide hydrogels for localised therapy of solid tumours

PhD Project Abstract

Self-/co-assembling peptide-based nanofibrous hydrogels were aimed to be utilized for localised therapy of solid tumours, using rationally designed de novo ultrashort peptide sequences. These soft shear thinning materials are viscoelastic, biodegradable, and biocompatible, making them good candidates to be used as vehicles for encapsulation and emulsification of aqueous and oily anticancer drug solutions, respectively, through direct intra-tumoral injection or post-tumorectomy as a spray. This is to tackle the existing shortfalls with conventional strategies for delivering anticancer drugs to solid tumors and aims to overcome the major problem of poorly directed drug uptake. This localised approach is anticipated to address solid tumors resistance to chemotherapy and recurrence problems.

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