
Dr Christina Quinlan

Job: VC2020 Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Social Justice and Director of the Institute for Research in Criminology, Community, Education and Social Justice

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44 (0)116 250 6062

E: christina.quinlan@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr. Christina Quinlan is a VC2020 Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Social Justice and she is Director of the Institute for Research in Criminology, Community, Education and Social Justice. She has a background in social research and she has worked in Britain and Ireland as a social scientist in third level education and in the community and voluntary sector.

Her areas of interest include gender, crime and punishment, media and communications, and social research methods. She has written extensively on women and criminal justice, social control and the state, research methodologies, feminist methodologies, visual methods, action research and ethnography. She was a founding member of the Irish Media Research Network and she was for four years a member of the board of the Sociological Association of Ireland.

She has long been an activist in penal reform and worked with Women in Prison Reform Alliance (a sub-group of Irish Penal Reform Trust) highlighting the needs of women in criminal justice systems while advocating for radical policy change. Christina would be happy to talk to prospective research students about projects related to her areas of interest.

Research group affiliations

  • Director of the Institute for Research in Criminology, Community, Education and Social Justice, 91Ó°ÊÓ
  • Member Emotion in Criminal Justice Cluster, 91Ó°ÊÓ
  • Member Sexual Violence/Domestic Violence (SVDV) Network, 91Ó°ÊÓ
  • Member Women, Family, Crime & Justice Research Network, 91Ó°ÊÓ
  • Member Intersectionality and Gender at 91Ó°ÊÓ
  • Member, The British Society of Criminology
  • Mmeber, The British Society of Criminology East Midlands Branch

Key research outputs

  • 2019, ‘Business Research Methods’, with Babbin, B, Carr, J., and Griffin, M., Pub. South Western Cengage, Andover.
  • 2018, A Case Study Using Historical Timelines: Developing a Research Methodology for a Study of Policing Women’s Bodies in Ireland’, In SAGE Research Methods Cases, SAGE Publications Ltd.
  • 2017, ‘Policing Women’s Bodies in an Illiberal Society, the Case of Ireland’, Women & Criminal Justice, Vol. 27, Iss. 1, pp. 51-72.
  • 2016, ‘Women, Prison and Social Control’, chapter in ‘The Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology’.
  • 2011,Inside: Ireland’s Women’s Prisons, Past and Present’ , Pub. Irish Academic Press. 

Research interests/expertise

  • Gender, Crime and Justice
  • Women and Criminal Justice
  • Social Control and the State
  • Research Methodologies
  • Feminist Methodologies
  • Visual Methods
  • Ethnography

Areas of teaching

  • Research Methods
  • Critical Criminology
  • Gender
  • Crime and Justice
  • Women and Prison


  • PhD, Grad. Dip. Stats, MSc, BSc

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Association Name, period start, period end, description
  • British Society of Criminology
  • American Society of Criminology
  • Irish Criminology Research Network
  • Irish Penal Reform Trust
  • British Sociological Association

Conference attendance

Plenary Lectures

  • 2011 It’s different for girls’, 7th Annual Irish Criminology Conference, Institute of Technology, Sligo, June 23.

Invited Lectures/Roundtables

  • 2014 Methods and Methodologies’, invited lecture, MEDTECH: Educational and research partnership in medicine, biomedicine and medical equipment, Masarysk University, Brno, Czech Republic, March 7th.
  • 2013 A social scientist in the women’s prisons’, invited presentation, Pandora’s Box @ The Duke, Duke St., Dublin, June 25.
  • 2012 Experiences of women in prison in Ireland: comparisons with the global' , roundtable discussion, The American Society of Criminology Conference, Chicago, USA, Nov 14-17.
  • 2011 Prison Reform in India, a female perspective’ , roundtable discussion, School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, (SALIS), Dublin City University, February 15.
  • 2007 Writing Research’ , The Law Reform Commission, Dublin, January 14.
  • 2007 Women’s Experiences of Imprisonment in Ireland’ , Women’s Studies, University of Limerick, March 23.
  • 2007 Image-based Research, a project in the women’s prisons’ , School of Nursing, DCU, May 17.
  • 2006 Sad, Mad or Bad: The Women We Imprison’ , Institute of Technology, Sligo, January 31.
  • 2006 Women’s Experiences of Prison in Ireland’ , Dept of Sociology, University of Limerick, April 20.

Conference Papers

  • 2014 A Quest for a Methodology in End of Life Research’ , British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 23-25 April.
  • 2012 Posters, Papers, Photographic Exhibitions, Press Articles and Publications:
  • Getting the word out on the experiences of women in prison in Ireland’ , Public
  • Ethnography: Connecting New Genres, New Media, New Audience Conference,
  • Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 1-2.
  • 2009 Women in Prison in Ireland’ , Imprisonment and the Irish Conference, Mater Dei College, Dublin, September 4-5.
  • 2007 Mediated Identities and the Female Prison Subject’, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of East London, April 12 – 14.
  • 2006 Objects of Affection: Baudrillard and the Experience of Community in the Irish Female Prison’ , Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Sligo, May 5-7.
  • 2006 Counter-Culture: Ireland in late modernity’ , Eighth Annual Grian Conference, Glucksman Ireland House, New York, March 3-5.
  • 2006 Women in Prison in Ireland: a (finally) completed PhD’ , Sociology Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference, Dept. of Sociology, University College Cork, January 14.
  • 2005 Hucksters, Whores and Hopeless Cases: A History of Women Imprisoned in Ireland ’, British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, July, 12-14.
  • 2005 Strung Out and Banged Up: Addiction and Women in Prison in Ireland’ , A Cross-National Dialogue about what works with female Offenders, Prato, Italy, June 20-22.
  • 2005 Sexuality and Women in Prison in Ireland’ , Gender and Memory: Women’s Research Network Conference, University of Limerick, June 8-9.
  • 2005 The Discursive Production of the Female Criminal Subject’, New Research in Irish Feminism, Women’s Studies Centre, Trinity College Dublin, April 9.
  • 2005 Private Troubles-Public Issues: Female Criminality in Ireland A Perspective from the Women’s Prisons’ Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Nenagh, April 22-24.
  • 2004 Cultures and Subcultures: Women in Prison in Ireland’ Joint Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, DCU, fourth interdisciplinary conference, The Local and the Global: Contested Terrains, September 24-25.
  • 2004 Culture and Identity: The Irish Female Prison’ Sociological Association of Ireland, Fourth Annual Post-Graduate Sociological Imaginations’ Conference, The School of Sociology and Social Policy, The Queen’s University, Belfast, September 11.
  • 2004 Constructing Subjectivities: Women in Prison in Ireland’ British Society of Criminology annual Conference, University of Portsmouth, July 6-9.
  • 2004 Old Structures for New: Women in Prison in Ireland’ Societies of Criminology 1 st Key Issues Conference, Paris Renaissance Hotel, Paris, France, May 13–15.
  • 2004 Theoretical Underpinnings of a Study of the Identities of Women in Prison’ Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, April 23–25.
  • 2003 Ireland: The Women we Imprison’ British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, University of Wales, Bangor, June 24-26.
  • 2003 Constructing Identity: The press and women in prison in Ireland ’ Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan April 25-27.
  • 2003 International Women and the Irish Female Prison’ Migrant Women Transforming Ireland Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, March 20-21.
  • 2002 South African Women and the Irish Female Prison’ South Africa Week, The Helix, DCU, November 26-30.
  • 2002 Women in Prison in Ireland: An Untold Story ’, Women’s History Conference: St Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada, August 21-24.
  • 2002 Crossing Borders: International Drug Couriers and the Irish Female Prison’ , British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Keele University, July 17-20.
  • 2002 Media Culture and Representation - Women in Prison: what the papers say’ Gender, Sexuality and the Law Conference, Keele University, UK, June 28-30.
  • 2002 Women in Prison and the Society Imprisoning Them’ , Cultures in Conflict: Joint Faculty of Humanities, DCU, third interdisciplinary conference, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, February 22-23.
  • 2001 Methodological Issues in Using a Photographic Method with Imprisoned Women’, Sociological Imaginations’, Sociological Association of Ireland Post Graduate Conference, TCD, September 14-15.

Professional esteem indicators

  • Christina is a reviewer for the journal Gender, Place & Culture, A Journal of Feminist Geography.
  • She is a judge on the Social Sciences panel of The Undergraduate Awards.
  • She is a research supervisor with The Griffins Society

Chapters in Books

  • 2019 ‘Narratives of Motherhood and Social Exclusion from Ireland’s Women’s Prisons’, in ‘Motherhood and Social Exclusion’, Demeter Press. 
  • 2019 ‘Ireland: Narratives of Motherhood and Abortion’, in ‘Motherhood and Abortion’, Demeter Press. 

Online Publications

  • 2013 ‘The needs of women in the criminal justice system: proposals for radical reform’, with Mulcahy J., for Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) and the Women in Prison Reform Alliance (WIPRA), submission to the joint Irish Prison Service and Irish Probation Service Action Plan for Women Offenders. http://www.iprt.ie/contents/2540

Plenary Lectures

  • 2011 ‘It’s different for girls’, 7th Annual Irish Criminology Conference, Institute of Technology, Sligo, June 23.

Invited Lectures/Roundtables

  • 2016 International co-operation for the development of new and radical responses to women in criminal justice systems’, American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, New Orleans, USA, November 16 – 19.
  • 2014 ‘Methods and Methodologies’, invited lecture, MEDTECH: Educational and research partnership in medicine, biomedicine and medical equipment, Masarysk University, Brno, Czech Republic, March 7th.
  • 2013 ‘A social scientist in the women’s prisons’, invited presentation, Pandora’s Box @ The Duke, Duke St., Dublin, June 25.
  • 2012 ‘Experiences of women in prison in Ireland: comparisons with the global', roundtable discussion, The American Society of Criminology Conference, Chicago, USA, Nov 14-17. 
  • 2011 ‘Prison Reform in India, a female perspective’, roundtable discussion, School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies, (SALIS), Dublin City University, February 15.
  • 2010 ‘My Contribution to an Ethical Framework on End of Life Care’, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, March 9.
  • 2007 ‘Writing Research’, The Law Reform Commission, Dublin, January 14.
  • 2007 ‘Women’s Experiences of Imprisonment in Ireland’, Women’s Studies, University of Limerick, March 23.
  • 2007 ‘Image-based Research, a project in the women’s prisons’, School of Nursing, DCU, May 17.
  • 2006‘Sad, Mad or Bad: The Women We Imprison’, Institute of Technology, Sligo, January 31
  • 2006 ‘Women’s Experiences of Prison in Ireland’, Dept of Sociology, University of Limerick, April 20.

Conference Papers


































‘Women, Sex, Insanity, Criminality and Incarceration in the Republic of Ireland: a Study in Cultural Change, American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November, 14-17.

‘Rules or No Rules: Ethical issues in researching women in justice systems’, American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, USA, November, 15-18.

Women and Criminal Justice: A View from the Western Periphery of Europe’, Crime and Justice in Asia and the Global South, Shangri-La Hotel, Cairns, Australia, July 10-13.

‘A VC2020 focused on researching women's experiences of justice', 2020 Vision, A Celebration of the Work of VC2020 Staff in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, 91Ó°ÊÓ, May, 22.

How to write, what to write, where to write, when to write!’, Research Conference for Doctoral and Early Career Researchers, Your Research Journey: the Challenges of Writing, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, May 11.

A comparative analysis of the experiences of women in prison in Britain and Ireland’, American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, New Orleans, November, 16 – 19.

Inequalities in a diverse world: the case of women in criminal justice systems’, British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Nottingham, July 6 – 8.

‘Women in Prison in Britain and Ireland: Facts, Figures and Fantasies’, North South Criminology Conference, Ireland, NUI Maynooth, June 22 – 23.

The Four Frameworks Approach: A new tool for teaching research methods’, RC33 Conference, University of Leicester, September 11 – 16.

Methodological approaches to research on emotions in criminology and in criminal justice studies’, RC33 Conference, University of Leicester, September 11-16.

Experiences of Women in Criminal Justice Systems, with a focus on Britain and Ireland’, Symposium on Feminism and Gender in the Social Sciences, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, June 17.

A Quest for a Methodology in End of Life Research’, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Leeds, 23-25 April.

Posters, Papers, Photographic Exhibitions, Press Articles and Publications:

Getting the word out on the experiences of women in prison in Ireland’, Public

Ethnography: Connecting New Genres, New Media, New Audience Conference,

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 1-2.


Women in Prison in Ireland’, Imprisonment and the Irish Conference, Mater Dei College, Dublin, September 4-5.


Media Discourses on Autonomy in Dying and Death’, Irish Media Research Network (IRMN), NUI Maynooth, September 19-20.


Media Messages on Culture of  Death and Dying’, Sociological Association of  Ireland (SAI) Annual Conference, University College Galway, May 9-11.


Space and Place, Cultures of Dying and Death’, (with O’Neill, C.), SAI Annual

Conference, University College Galway, May 9-11.


 ‘Mediated Identities and the Female Prison Subject’, British Sociological                          Association Annual Conference, University of East London, April 12 – 14.


‘Objects of Affection: Baudrillard and the Experience of Community in the Irish Female Prison’, Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Sligo, May 5-7.


Counter-Culture: Ireland in late modernity’, Eighth Annual Grian Conference, Glucksman Ireland House, New York, March 3-5.


Women in Prison in Ireland: a (finally) completed PhD’, Sociology Association of Ireland Postgraduate Conference, Dept. of Sociology, University College Cork, January 14.


‘Hucksters, Whores and Hopeless Cases: A History of Women Imprisoned in Ireland’, British Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, July, 12-14.


‘Strung Out and Banged Up: Addiction and Women in Prison in        Ireland’, A Cross-National Dialogue about what works with female Offenders, Prato, Italy, June 20-22.


Sexuality and Women in Prison in Ireland’, Gender and Memory: Women’s Research Network Conference, University of Limerick, June 8-9.


The Discursive Production of the Female Criminal Subject’, New Research in Irish Feminism, Women’s Studies Centre, Trinity College Dublin, April 9.  


‘Private Troubles-Public Issues: Female Criminality in Ireland A Perspective from the Women’s Prisons’ Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Nenagh, April 22-24.


‘Cultures and Subcultures: Women in Prison in Ireland’ Joint Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, DCU, fourth interdisciplinary conference, The Local and the Global: Contested Terrains, September 24-25.  


Culture and Identity: The Irish Female PrisonSociological Association of Ireland,

Fourth Annual Post-Graduate ‘Sociological Imaginations’ Conference, The School of

Sociology and Social Policy, The Queen’s University, Belfast, September 11.



 ‘Constructing Subjectivities: Women in Prison in Ireland’  British Society of Criminology annual Conference, University of Portsmouth, July 6-9.


Old Structures for New: Women in Prison in Ireland’ Societies of Criminology 1st

Key Issues Conference, Paris Renaissance Hotel, Paris, France, May 13–15.


Theoretical Underpinnings of a Study of the Identities of Women in Prison’ Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone, April 23–25.


Ireland: The Women we Imprison’ British Society of Criminology Annual

 Conference, University of Wales, Bangor, June 24-26. 


Constructing Identity: The press and women in prison in IrelandSociological

Association of Ireland Conference, Slieve Russell Hotel, Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan

April 25-27.


International Women and the Irish Female Prison’  Migrant Women Transforming Ireland Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, March 20-21.


South African Women and the Irish Female Prison’  South Africa Week, The Helix, DCU, November 26-30.


‘Women in Prison in Ireland: An Untold Story’,  Women’s History Conference: St

Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada, August 21-24.


Crossing Borders: International Drug Couriers and the Irish Female Prison, British

 Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Keele University, July 17-20.



Media Culture and Representation - Women in Prison: what the papers say  Gender,

Sexuality and the Law Conference, Keele University, UK, June 28-30.


Women in Prison and the Society Imprisoning Them, Cultures in Conflict: Joint

Faculty of Humanities, DCU, third interdisciplinary conference, St Patrick’s College,

Drumcondra, February 22-23.


Methodological Issues in Using a Photographic Method with Imprisoned Women’, ‘Sociological Imaginations’, Sociological Association of Ireland Post Graduate Conference, TCD, September 14-15.

Christina Quinlan image