
Dr Justine Barksby

Job: Senior lecturer

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Nursing and Midwifery

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 257 7646

E: Justine.barksby@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Teaching interests include Challenging Behaviours, Autism, Epilepsy and Research/ Evidence Based Practice. Subject lead for Learning Disabilities

Publications and outputs

In progress- Barksby, J. And Charnock, C. Learning Disability Case Studies. McGraw-Hill.

  • Barksby, J. (2016) Book review- I gave him my best shot.  Learning Disability Practice. Vol. 19. No. 2. P.10.
  • Barksby, J. (2015) Is it now the norm not to acknowledge patients?  Nursing Times.net readers blog. September 2015.
  • Barksby, J. Butcher, N. Whysall, A. (2015) A New Model of Reflection for Clinical Practice.  Nursing Times.  Vol. 111. No. 34/35. Pp. 21-21.
  • Barksby, J. (2014) Autistic Spectrum Disorder.  In: Glasper, E.A. (2014) Children’s and young people’s nursing at a glance.  West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Barksby, J. (2014) Epilepsy.  In: Glasper, E.A. (2014) Children’s and young people’s nursing at a glance.  West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Barksby, J. (2014) Positive Behavioural Support.  In: Glasper, E.A. (2014) Children’s and young people’s nursing at a glance.  West Sussex: Wiley Blackwell.
  • Barksby, J. (2014) Service users’ perceptions of student nurses.  Nursing Times. Vol. 119.  No. 19.Pp. 23-25.
  • Barksby, J. (2014) Confidence in professional identity.  Learning Disability Practice.  Vol. 17.  No. 3. P.10.
  • Barksby, J. (2013) Reflections from the accused. Nursing Times. Net. 20th September 2013.
  • Barksby, J. and Charnock, D. (2012) Learning Disability Nursing.  In: Aubeeluck, A., Stacey, G. And Thompson, S. (2012) Becoming a nurse.   London: BPP Learning Media.
  • Barksby, J. and Harper, L. (2011) Duty of Care.  Exeter: Learning Matters. 
  • Welch, K. & Barksby, J. (2011) The intensive care experience.  Learning Disability Practice.  Vol. 14.  No.8.  Pp. 14-17.
  • Hall, C., Aston, L., Barksby, J., Billyeald, K., Cook, L., Dawson, P., Felton, A., Hallawell, B., Rose, S., Saxelby, H., Stacey, G. and Stickley, T. (2009) ‘All about nursing – exploring the world of nursing by those working in it’ in Hall,C., Ritchie, D., Gorton, V. and Langmack, G. (eds) (2009) What is Nursing? Exploring Theory and Practice.  Exeter:  Learning Matters.

Research interests/expertise

Research interest in challenging behaviours in learning disabilities with specific interest in restraint, seclusion and medication. 

Areas of teaching

  • BSc (hons) Nursing
  • Masters in Nursing


  • PhD
  • September 2008 - July 2009 Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education School of Education University of Nottingham
  • September 2006 - June 2009 Masters of Sciences In Health Care Sciences Leeds Metropolitan University
  • September 2000 - July 2001 Post Graduate Certificate in Public Services Management Nottingham Trent University
  • September 1997- July 1999 Bachelor of Sciences (hons) In Advanced professional studies in Nursing University of Derby
  • March 1992- February 1995 Diploma in Nursing University of Nottingham

Honours and awards

  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy.

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • Nursing and Midwifery Council Current yes
  • Royal College of Nursing  Current yes
  • BILD  Current yes
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy  Current yes

Conference attendance

  • Barksby, J. (2012) Patients’ views of student nurses.  Positive Choices Conference.  Edinburgh.  (29th – 30th March 2012)
  • Barksby, J. (2011) Patients’ views of student nurses.  New Challenges, New Solutions, NNLDN conference.  Bangor University, Bangor, Wales. (18th- 19th July 2011).
  • Barksby, J. (2011) Patients’ views of student nurses.  22nd International Networking Education in Healthcare conference. (6th- 8th September 2011)
  • Barksby, J. (2011) Patients’ views of restraint, seclusion and chemical restraint. ‘It’s their life’ conference- Parents Helping Parents.  San Jose. (29th- 30th April 2011).
  • Barksby, J. (2011) Patients’ views of restraint, seclusion and chemical restraint 32nd International conference, YAI, New York. (2nd- 5th May 2011).
  • Barksby, J. (2017) Results of research on restraint, seclusion and medication use.  Positive Choices Conference.  Hull (6th and 7th April 2017).

Consultancy work

  • Work as a consultant for British Institute of Learning Disabilities in Positive Behaviour Support. 

Current research students

  • 1st supervisor for three Masters research students, 

Professional esteem indicators

  • Reviewing activities:
  • Reviewing X 2 books for Wiley publishing
  • Articles for Nursing Times
  • Articles for Learning Disability Practice.