The impact of a clinical placement programme for pharmacy students in primary care (funded by HEEM) Evaluation with General Practice. June 2018 (ongoing): Evaluation
The management of Gout in Primary Care Evaluation with General Practice and UHL July 2018-ongoing: Evaluation
IPE Medicines Optimisation in Primary Care Evaluation (with UoL) April 2017-ongoing: Evaluation
South Asian Respiratory Intervention (SARIs). RIF funded project-grant of 11K at 91Ó°ÊÓ (in collaboration with Anna Prof Murphy, Glenfield Hospital and Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, UCL and Fellow of NICE) June 2015-ongoing: Research
IPE Polypharmacy in Hospital Evaluation (with UoL)-Nov 2015-Nov 2016: Evaluation
The Management of Interventions in Asthma (MIA study) Data collection with Professor Monica Lakhanpaul, UCL and Fellow of NICE) Jan 201-June 2014: NIHR Research
South Asians’ perspectives of community pharmacists as health care advisors for minor ailments PhD Research project October 2003-October 2010: Research
Researcher for evaluation of Minor Ailments Scheme Leicester City CCG (in collaboration with Leicester City PCT) Jan 2011- Nov 2011: Research
Inter-professional education E-learning project stroke and diabetes (in collaboration with Northampton University and the BDRA, UoL): October 2007- July 2008 Education development
‘Endocul’ endometriosis project: Research project led by Prof Lorraine Culley 91Ó°ÊÓ and the University of Birmingham City. Feb 2008-June 2008: Research