
Professor Richard Hall

Job: Professor of Education and Technology

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Research group(s): Centre for Urban Research on Austerity, Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 207 8254

E: rhall1@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Richard Hall is Professor of Education and Technology, based in the Division of Education in the School of Applied Social Sciences. Richard contributes to teaching on evidence-based education and educational leadership, as well as supervising Masters and PhD students. His research focuses on higher education policy and pedagogy, co-operative and alternative forms of higher education, academic labour and alienation, and neoliberalism and education.

Richard is an HEA National Teaching Fellow, awarded in 2009, and a fellow of the HEA.

Richard is Director of the Institute for Research in Criminology, Community, Education and Social Justice. He is also a member of the Centre for Urban Research on Austerity and a Research Associate in the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at 91Ó°ÊÓ.

Richard is the editor for Palgrave Macmillan’s series, and also for 91Ó°ÊÓ’s re-launched education and pedagogic research Journal, .

Richard has been involved in , including the in Lincoln, and . He is a trustee of the , a member of the Management Committee of the Leicester Primary Pupil Referral Unit, and an independent visitor for a looked-after child.

Richard holds PRINCE2 and Managing Successful Programmes Practitioner status. He has worked extensively on .

Research group affiliations

  • Institute for Research in Criminology, Education and Social Justice
  • Centre for Urban Research on Austerity
  • Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility

Publications and outputs

Key research outputs

Research interests/expertise

  • The idea of the University and radical alternatives to it
  • Higher education governance, regulation and funding
  • Academic labour and alienation
  • Pedagogy and critical social theory
  • Higher education and mental health
  • Neoliberalism and Primary Education

Areas of teaching

  • The sociology of education
  • Politics of education
  • Critical pedagogy
  • Contemporary and historical issues in education
  • Evidence-based education
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education
  • Education Practice
  • Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education
  • Philosophy of History


  • B.A. Hons
  • M.A.
  • Ph.D.

Courses taught

  • Ph.D. supervision
  • M.A. Education Practice, including project supervision
  • B.A. Education Studies: EDUC1110: Historical and Contmporary Issues in Education; EDUC1145: Evidenced-based teaching and learning; EDUC2229: Researching Education; EDUC2248: Politics of Education; EDUC3346: Dissertation.

Honours and awards

  • Director of the Institute for Research in Criminology, Education and Social Justice, March 2021
  • Co-director of the Institute for Education Futures, 2016-18, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University.
  • Professor of Education and Technology, 2013.
  • The Digital Literacy Framework Project won the , an international contest sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation, the Digital Media and Learning Hub, and MIT Media Lab.
  • Higher Education Academy, National Teaching Fellowship, 2009.
  • Readership in Education and Technology, June 2010, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University.

Membership of external committees

  • Trustee, Open Library of Humanities (since 2015).
  • Board member, Leicester Vaughan College (2017-19).
  • Teaching Scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Transnational Studies (since 2015).
  • The Association for Learning Technology, OER17 Conference Committee (2016-17).
  • Critical Theory Research Network (since 2016).
  • Beyond the Neoliberal University: Critical Pedagogy and Activism, Organising Committee (a symposium hosted by Coventry University UCU in 2015).
  • European Conference on e-Learning (since 2005).
  • European Conference on Social Media (since 2013).
  • The Association for Learning Technology Conference, Programme Committee (since 2013).

Professional licences and certificates

  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
  • PRINCE2, Practitioner
  • Managing Successful Programmes, Practitioner


A full list of projects is available at:

Forthcoming events

Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising and institutional co-optation. Decolonising Critical Thought Workshop, Critical Theory in Hard Times Network, Manchester.

Ansley, L., Connolly, P., Crofts, M., Hall, C., Hall, R. and Patel, K. (2021). Decolonising 91Ó°ÊÓ: Towards the Anti-Racist University. AdvanceHE Equality Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2020: Courageous conversations and adventurous approaches: creative thinking in tackling inequality, Edinburgh.

Hall, R. and Themelis, S. (2021). Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education. Education Research Seminar, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University.

Hall, R., Loonat, S., Marfu, C., and Prescod, M. (2021). Building engagement with decolonising inside the pandemic University. Festival of Teaching, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University.

Hall, R. (2021). Invited panel member. The Digital Divide: Why we need to support young people now. De 91Ó°ÊÓ University and Leicestershire Cares.

Conference attendance

A full list of papers is available at:

All presentations are available at:

Recent presentations include the following.

Hall, R., Marfu, C. and Sofowora, T. (2021). Decolonising and responsible futures, online workshop. Students Organising for Sustainability.

Hall, R. (2020). Covid-19 and the idea of the University. Documentary Media Centre newsroom on The Future of Higher Education.

Patel, K. and Hall, R. (2020). Decolonising 91Ó°ÊÓ: Becoming an Anti-Racist University. Decolonising Bradford, University of Bradford.

Hall, R. (2020). For humanism and against the methodological University. British Educational Research Association annual conference, University of Liverpool.

Recent research outputs

Hall, R. (2021, forthcoming). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the End of the End of History. Leicester: Mayfly Books.

Hall, R. (2021). Immiseration. In Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education: Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility, ed. Themelis, S, pp. 47-53. London: Routledge.

Hall, R. (2021). Managerialism. In Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education: Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility, ed. Themelis, S, pp. 93-99. London: Routledge.

Hall, R. (2021). Alternative Education. In Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education: Dangerous Words and Discourses of Possibility, ed. Themelis, S, pp. 168-73. London: Routledge.

Hall, R. (2020). Another world is possible: The possibilities for a transformative post-capitalist education. In The Routledge Handbook of Transformative Global Studies, eds Hosseini Faradonbeh S.A., Goodman, J., Motta, S., and Gills, B.K., pp. 84-96. London: Routledge.

Hall, R. (2020). Platform Discontent Against the University. In The Digital Age and its Discontents: Critical Reflections in Education, ed. M. Stocchetti, pp. 123-40. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. and

Hall, R. (2020). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the end of The End of History. Postdigital Science and Education, 2(3), 830-48. DOI: 10.1007/s42438-020-00158-9.

Hall., R. (2019). On authoritarian neoliberalism and poetic epistemology. Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, 33(4), 298-308.

Key articles information

Hall, R. (2021, forthcoming). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the End of the End of History. Leicester: Mayfly Books.

Hall., R. (2019). On authoritarian neoliberalism and poetic epistemology. Social Epistemology: A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy, 33(4), 298-308.

Hall, R. (2018). The Alienated Academic: the struggle for autonomy inside the University. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Hall., R. (2018). On the alienation of academic labour and the possibilities for mass intellectuality. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 16(1), 97-113.

Hall, R., and Winn, J. (eds). (2017). Mass Intellectuality and Democratic Leadership in Higher Education. London: Bloomsbury Academic.  and 

Hall, R., and Smyth, K. (2016). Dismantling the Curriculum in Higher Education. Open Library of the Humanities. 2(1), p.e11. DOI:

Hall, R., and Bowles, K. (2016). Re-engineering higher education: the subsumption of academic labour and the exploitation of anxiety. Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labour, 28, 30-47.

Hall, R. (2015). The University and the Secular Crisis. Open Library of the Humanities, 1(1). DOI:

Consultancy work

I am a reviewer for the Independent Social Research Foundation (since 2018)

As an NTF mentor, I have supported successful internal and external applications.

I am a Trustee of the Open Library of Humanities (since 2015).

I am a Teaching Scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Transnational Studies (since 2015)

I am a member of the Centre for Transformational Learning and Culture (since 2016)

I have examined seven external M.Phil./Ph.D. candidates, 12 internal Ph.D. candidates, and a Masters by Research at 91Ó°ÊÓ.

Between 2008-13, I was External Assessor on the Post-Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching at Glasgow Caledonian University.

I was a consultant on the University of Surrey’s VLE Review (2010).

I reviewed the use of technology in post-graduate teaching and learning curricula at Buckingham New University (2010).

I advised the British Council with Moscow Bauman State Technical University on the development of a Masters in Design Innovation (2006, 2011 and 2012).

I advised Te Wānanga o Aotearoa University in New Zealand in developing technology solutions for distance learners (2008).

I was consulted as part of the UK JISC Mobile and Wireless Technologies Review (2010).

Current research students

Nikki Welyczko, Ph.D. on nurse education, professional practice and resilience (1st supervisor).

Angela Sibley-White, Ph.D. on the lived experience of primary school communities under neoliberal governance and policy (1st supervisor).

Kim Sadique, Ph.D. on Learning from and Preventing Genocide and Crimes of the State: The Role of Religion and Education (1st supervisor).

Ally Ackbarally, Ph.D. on human factors and non-technical skills for Senior First Assistants in clinical settings (1st supervisor)

Sumeya Loonat, Ph.D. on the intersectionality of race and language in the construction and context of minority students within UK Higher Education (1st supervisor).

Camille London-Miyo, Ph.D. on Black Lives Matter Education - Black Educators Navigating the Dynamics of Racism in Leicester Schools (2nd supervisor)

Abena Addo, Ph.D. on heuristic research to inform holistic pedagogical practices in health professional education and research (2nd supervisor).

Jonathan Gration, Ph.D. on Digital anastylosis; exploring the future of public engagement with digital historic interiors (2nd supervisor).

Jennifer Wilkinson, Ph.D. on the historical context for functional skills' development in English Further Education (Advisor)

Externally funded research grants information

Courseware for History Implementation Consortium project, HEFCE TLTP3, 1999 – 2002, PI

e-Learning Capital Investment funding, HEFCE, 2005-2006, PI

e-Learning Benchmarking project, Higher Education Academy, 2006 – 07, PI.

e-Learning Pathfinder Project on Web 2.0 cultures, Higher Education Academy, 2007 – 08, PI

Connecting Transitions and Independent Learning, Higher Education Academy, e-Learning Research Observatory, 2008 – 09, PI

Mobilising Remote Student Engagement, JISC, eLearing Curriculum Delivery Project, 2008-2010, PI, Kingston University

Deliberative User Approach in a Living Lab project, JISC Greening IT Project, 2010 – 11, CI

Sickle Cell Open: Online Topics and Educational Resources project, JISC Open Educational Resources programme, 2010 – 2011, CI

New Dimensions of Security in Europe project, European Commission, Lifelong Learning Programme, 2009 – 10, Project evaluator

Open to Change project, JISC, Greening ICT programme: technical development, 2010-11, CI

HE Leadership Foundation-funded, Changing the Learning Landscape project, 2013-14, PI.

Using a value-added metric and an inclusive curriculum framework to address the black and minority ethnic attainment gap, HEFCE Catalyst Fund, 2017-19, CI 

Internally funded research project information

Building capacity to impact on policy and practice project, Revolving Investment Fund for Research Round 2, 2010-2011, CI

EARS II Pedagogical Project, HEIF5, 2012-13, CI

Knowledge Exchange Digital Literacy Framework Project, HEIF5, 2012-14, PI, Leicester City Council.

Towards Equitable Engagement: the Impact of UDL on Student Perceptions of Learning, Teaching Innovation Project Fund, 2016-17, PI

Leading Change for Sustainability: developing a Social Learning approach within a 91Ó°ÊÓ course, 2016-17, Teaching Innovation Project Fund, CI

Transformative learning for the public good – an integrative approach to sustainable community development, 2016-17, HEIF, CI

Mapping Learning City Infrastructures Under Austerity Governance, CURA, 2017-18 

Professional esteem indicators

I am the editor for Palgrave Macmillan’s Marxism and Education series.

I am a Trustee of the .

I am a member of the Review Boards for: Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies; Research in Learning Technology (formerly ALT-J); TripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique; Teaching in Higher Education; Postdigital Science and Education.

I am a reviewer for: Teaching in Higher Education (since 2016); the Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (since 2014); the Higher Education Research and Development journal (since 2016); the Journal of Learning, Media, and Technology (since 2010); the Interactive Learning Environments journal (since 2010); Computers and Education (since 2010); the Open Library of Humanities journal (since 2015); Philosophies (since 2020); and the Electronic Journal of e-Learning (since 2005).

I am Editor for the 91Ó°ÊÓ education and pedagogic research journal, Gateway Papers.
