
Dr Iryna Yevseyeva

Job: Associate Professor in Computer Science

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Computer Science and Informatics

Research group(s): Cyber Technology Institute

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH

T: 0116 250 7540

E: iryna@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

Iryna Yevseyeva is an Associate Professor in Computer Science at the Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Media, School of Computer Science and Informatics. She is Subject Group Leader for Cyber Security and Deputy Director for Cyber Technology Instittue. Her main research interests are operational research and cyber security. In particular she uses multi-criteria decision analysis and multiobjective optimisation for cyber security risk assessment and investments, cyber threat intelligence and cyber security decision making. She has also worked in operation research applications in manufacturing, health care and chemo-informatics.

Before joining De 91Ó°ÊÓ she was a leading research associate in the Choice Architecture for Information Security project at the Centre for Cybercrime and Computer Security, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, UK. This project was also a part of Research Institute in Science of Cyber Security. Earlier Iryna did several post-docs in the Netherlands (at the University of Leiden working on portfolio drug discovery with multicriteria optimisation) and Portugal (at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria working on spam filtering optimisation, at INESC Porto working on multiobjective scheduling and at the University of Algarve developing a portfolio selection evolutionary algorithm).
Iryna obtained her PhD in Finland at the University of Jyvaskyla for her work on multicriteria decision aiding algorithms for classification. She has (co-) authored > 50 peer reviewed research publications, participated in 10 research projects and obtained >10 small grants as PI and 2 industrial grants as Co-I. She supervised 4 PhD till successfull completion and currently (co-)supervising 5 PhD students. 

Research group affiliations

Cyber Technology Institute 

Key research outputs

Loft P., He Y., Yevseyeva I., Wagner I., CAESAR8: An agile enterprise architecture approach to managing information security risks. Computers & Security, Vol 122, November 2022, 102877, 

Wagner I, Yevseyeva I., Designing strong privacy metric suites using evolutionary Ooptimization, ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 24 (2), Article 12, February 2021, 

Angafor G.N., Yevseyeva I., He Y., Games-based learning: A review of tabletop exercises for cybersecurity incident response training. Security and Privacy, Vol. 3 (6), 2020, 

Evans M., He Y., Luo C., Yevseyeva I., Janicke H., Zamani E., Maglaras L., Real-time information security incident managmeent: a case study using the IS-CHEC technique, IEEE Access , Vol 7, pp 142147-142175, 

Evans M., He Y., Maglaras L., Yevseyeva I., Janicke H., Evaluating information security incident core human error cause (IS-CHEC), Intenational Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol. 127, July 2019, pp.109-119 

Hadlington L., Popovac M., Jones K., Yevseyeva I., Janicke H., Exploring the role of work identity and work locus of ocontrol in information security awareness, Computers & Security, 2019, Vol 8., pp.41-48 

Yevseyeva I, Lenselink E.B., de Vries A., IJzerman A.P., Back T., A.H. Deutz, Emmerich M.T.M.Application of portfolio optimization to drug discovery, Information Sciences, February 2019, vol. 475, pp. 29-43, , 

Zhao J., Jiao L., Liu, F. Basto-Fernandes V., Yevseyeva I., Xia S., Emmerich M.T.M. 3-D fast convex hull based evolutionary multiobjective optimization algorithm, Applied Soft Computing, June 2018, vol. 67, pp. 322-336, , 

Yevseyeva I., Morisset C., van Moorsel A. Modeling and analysis of influence power for information security decisions. Performance Evaluation, April 2016, vol. 98, pp. 36-51, , 

Basto-Fernandes V., Yevseyeva I., Mendez J.R., Zhao J., Fdez-Riverola F. Emmerich M.T.M., A spam filtering mult-iobjective optimization study covering parsimony maximization and three-way classification, Applied Soft Computing. 2016, vol 48, pp. 111-123, ,  

Yevseyeva I., Basto-Fernandes V., van Moorsel, Janicke H., Emmerich M.T.M. Two-stage security controls selection. CENTERIS’16, 8th Conference of ENTERprise Information Systems, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 100, 2016, pages 971-978, , 

Emmerich M.T.M., Deutz A., Li L., Maulana A., Yevseyeva I., Maximizing Consensus in Portfolio Selection in Multicriteria Group Decision Making. CENTERIS’16, 8th Conference of ENTERprise Information Systems, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 100, pages 848-855, , 

Yevseyeva I., Turland J., Morisset C., Coventry L., Gross T., Laing C., van Moorsel A. Addressing consumerisation of IT risks with nudging. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. September 2015, vol. 3, N. 3, pp. 5-22, , .

Yevseyeva I., Guerreiro A.P., Emmerich M.T.M., Fonseca C.M. A portfolio optimization approach to selection in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, In T. Bartz-Beielstein, J. Branke, B. Filipič, J. Smith (Eds.) “Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XIII”, Ser. LNCS (vol. 8672), Springer, 2014, pp. 672-351, , 

Yevseyeva I., Basto-Fernandes V., Ruano-Ordás D., Mendez J.R. Optimizing anti-spam filters with evolutionary algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications. August 2013, vol. 40, N. 10, pp. 4010-4021, , 

Yevseyeva I., Miettinen K., Rasanen P., Verbal ordinal classification with multicriteria decision aiding. European Journal of Operational Research, 2008, vol. 185, pp. 964-983, .

Research interests/expertise

Multicriteria decision analysis/aiding, multiobjective optimisation, operational research, security decision making, cyber security risk assessment, human aspects of cyber security,  cyber security investments

Areas of teaching

Operational Research, Optimisation, Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incident Response, Computer Science



Courses taught

IMAT3226 Nonlinear optimisation

IMAT3225 Multicriteria Analysis

CTEC2913 Cyber Threat Intelligence and Incindet Response

 CTEC5802 Cyber Threat Intelligence

Honours and awards

2018 91Ó°ÊÓ Commercialisation award, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University. December 2018.

Research on “Explicit decision making for evolutionary multiobjective optimization” was funded by half-year grant from Academy of Finland and half-year grant from European Commission Erasmus Mundus in 2008.

Membership of professional associations and societies

European Working Group in Multicriteria Decision Aiding (EWG MCDA), since 2005 ;

International Society on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, since 2005 ;

European Operations Research Society (EURO), since 2005 .

Professional licences and certificates

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Forthcoming events

Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO) 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands, March 20 –24, 2023, , where together with Kaisa Miettinen I am organising a Multi-Criteria Decision Making track 

Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science MoMLeT&DS-2022, November 25-26, 2022  , where I will give a keynote talk on 25th of November 2022.

Externally funded research grants information

Innovate UK Cybersecurity Academic Start Up Programme Stage I-III, Adaptive Cyber Threat Intelligence for cyber security inVEstment optimization (ACTIVE), 2018-2019, Collaborator

Airbus Innovations Group (UK), Gamification Techniques in Cyber Security, co-investigator, 2018-2019, Collaborator

Professional esteem indicators

Guest Editor of Special Issue of Natural Computing journal on “Stochastic and Deterministic Methods for Multi-Criterion Optimization”, Springer.

Guest Editor of Special Issue of Journal of Global Optimisation for “LeGO2018 Global Optimisation”, Springer.

Workshop organizer: International Workshop on Global Optimization (LeGO) 2018 - 14th Int. Workshop on Global Optimization, Leiden, The Netherlands, 18-21.09.2018. A Special Track & Tutorials on Multiobjective Global Optimization, organizer. .

Multiobjective Portfolio Optimization and Multicriteria Optimization for Portfolio and Subset Selection, 2 sessions organizer within Multiobjective Optimization stream in EURO2018, 29th European Conference on Operational Research, Valencia, Spain, 8-11 July, 2018. 

Mathematical Modelling Applied to Problem Solving in Engineering” Books Collection, an initiative of the Graduate Program in Mathematical Modelling at Unijuí in association with the Unijuí University Press (a 25 years old editor with over 600 published titles), member of the Editorial Board, since Mar/2016.

Reviewer for journals: Computers & Security (since 2022), Financial Innovation (since 2020), Safety Science (since 2019), Expert Systems with Applications (since 2019), Algorithms (since 2019), Mathematical and Computational Applications (since 2019), Journal of Soft Computing (since 2019), Decision Support Systems (since 2019), Journal of the Operational Research Society (since 2019), Journal of Software: Practice and Experience (since 2018), Transaction on Evolutionary Computation IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (since 2017), Engineering Optimization (since 2016), Environment Systems and Decisions (since 2015), PLOS One (since 2015), Computers & Operations Research (since 2015), Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (since 2013), European Journal of Operational Research (since 2008).

A guest member of staff in Applied Computing Research Group, Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering, University Regional of Ijui, Brazil http://www.gca.unijui.edu.br/iyevseyeva/Home

Program committee and reviewer for international conferences: GECCO2022, 2021, 2020, KDD2021, MoMLeT 2019, LEGO2018, COLLABORATECOME2017, WI 2017, VALUETOOLS 2015, 2016; CENTERIS 2011-2016, MICAI 2013, EVOLVE 2013, 2015, VII ALIO/EURO 2011, ORP3 2005, EURO WG on OR Applied to Health Services 2005.

Reviewer for Research Councils & Commissions: EU – Horizon2020 (since 2020), MRC (since 2021), EPSRC (since 2022).
