
Dr Richard Cross

Job: Senior Research Fellow

Faculty: Computing, Engineering and Media

School/department: School of Engineering and Sustainable Development

Research group(s): Emerging Technologies Research Centre (EMTERC)

Address: De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, United Kingdom

T: +44 (0)116 250 6157

E: rcross@dmu.ac.uk

W: www.dmu.ac.uk/emterc


Personal profile

Most of my research career has been focused on the growth of thin films for electronic devices such as thin film transistors (TFTs); mainly hydrogenated amorphous silicon and zinc oxide. My main interests now lie in the novel growth of nanoscale materials. Of particular interest going forward will be exploring the nano-bio interface, i.e. interfacing directly nanoscale materials/devices with biological systems. Examples would be neuronal interfaces and structures for intracellular recording/biomarker detection.

Research group affiliations

Emerging Technologies Research Centre (EMTERC)

Publications and outputs

Research interests/expertise

Nanoscale materials (nanowires, nanotubes) for health applications

Exploring the nano-bio interface

Large area electronic materials

Thin films


Areas of teaching

Analysis of micro and nanoscale materials

Growth/deposition of electronic materials

Fabrication of micro and nanoelectronic devices





Courses taught

Electrical and Physical Measurements (ENGT5129)

Fabrication Technologies (ENGT5127)

Membership of professional associations and societies

01/09-date: Material Research Society (full member)


RIF project: A Cleaner, Greener, Low Carbon Fabrication Process for Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Cells
Start Date: 01/04/10
End Date: 01/07/10
Role: Co-Worker
PI: Shashi Paul
Project Aims:
• To demonstrate, for the first time, a photovoltaic solar cell using a novel low temperature, high growth rate, and low-cost process (developed within EMTERC) based on thin films of silicon.
• Approach industries with a view to the commercialisation of the technology.
• To develop new and enhance existing collaborative links with major players in the field of PV both in the UK and Europe.

RIF project: Enhancing IR Micro Sensor Technology To More Accurately Measure the Temperature Profile of Electronic Devices
Start Date: 01/04/10
End Date: 01/07/10
Role: Co-Worker
PI: Chris Oxley
Project Aims:
• The objective of the work was to explore the feasibility of moving controllably a single characterised IR micro sensor in micron steps along the channel of a GaN transistor to measure more accurately the temperature profile of the channel region of the device.

Consultancy work

Area of expertise: Analysis of micro/nano materials

Previous consultancies: Analysis of optical coating for CVI Melles Grigot

Currently available: Yes

Current research students

Second supervisor for:

Keith McGrath
Sultan Alotaibi
Faleh Alotaibi

Professional esteem indicators

Reviewer for:

Applied Physics Letters
AIP Advances
Journal of Applied Physics
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
IEEE Electron Device Letters
IEEE Micro and Nano Letters
Journal of Physical Chemistry
Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Solid State Communications
Solid State Electronics
Materials Science and Engineering B
Electrochemical and Solid State Letters
Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A
