July, ‘Damage to Catalonia? State Power and Notions of Democracy, 1937 to 2017’, at Protest, Politics and Activism in the 21st Century’, Nottingham
March, ‘The Catalan Crisis’, in Legality/Illegality, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Cultural Exchanges
March Interview with Dorothy Byrne and Greg Palast: ‘Journalism and the Public Good’
February, Public Lecture: ‘One Solution: Revolution?’
May, Paper: ‘Protest and Austerity in Spain’, CURA, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
March, Public lecture: ‘Corbyn, Cameron, HaHaHa’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
January, Paper: ‘Corbyn, Cameron and the Media’: Meccsa, Canterbury
January Paper – ‘The Legacy of Dissent: Class, Gender and Austerity’, Meccsa, Newcastle
March ‘Memory and Ideology in the Spanish Civil War’, with Dr. Ruth Sanz Sabido, Professor David Deacon, and Mr. Lee Solomon
March ‘Anti-Fascism on Film’, Conference
June Paper - ‘Democracy and the Dictatorship of the Markets: public protest, iconic space and online mobilisation in the UK and Spain’, Protest and the Media, Westminster University
June Paper - ‘Truth-Claims in A Story-World: gendered identity and
modes of address in UK ‘lifeworld’ commercials’ Console-ing Passions, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
June Keynote Lecture - ‘Presenting Your Research to an Audience’,
Research Student Conference, ADH and Technology, De 91Ó°ÊÓ
May Invited Keynote Lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario? Security
planning, ‘contingency’ and the state’, Coventry University
April ‘Governance, the Scenario, and Public (In) Security’, Faculty
of Letters, University of Lisbon
April ‘Spartans! What is Your Profession?’, Adaptations Conference, Sunderland University
March Lecture series - ‘Public Protest in Europe’, San Pablo CEU,
February Professorial Lecture - ‘ENOUGH! Calling Time on Corporate Fantasies’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University Cultural Exchanges
February Paper - ‘Sanctions, Attitudes and Modes of Address’, Dickens
Conference, Adaptation Studies, De 91Ó°ÊÓ
January Open Lecture - International Event: De 91Ó°ÊÓ ADH
January Paper - ‘These Fascists Came from Outside’: University of Ulster, Meccsa
June ‘A Visit from Mr. Clegg’, Media Discourse Group, 91Ó°ÊÓ
April ‘England’s Anarchic August Revisited’, Leicester Secular Society
March ‘The Realities of Power’, Public lecture, States of Independence
March Public lecture - ‘Danger: Hierarchy at Work’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ
January ‘Calls to Order’: Meccsa National Conference, Luton
December Invited Paper - ‘The Pretext of Command’, Leicester Media Discourse Group, Leicester University
September ‘Gendered Identity and the death of bin Laden’, 10th Anniversary of Meccsa Women’s Network, De 91Ó°ÊÓ
July Paper - ‘Discursive vs. Visual Evidence’, British Sociological Association, Leicester
July Paper – ‘Command and Utterance’, Media and Communication Research Seminar, De 91Ó°ÊÓ
January Paper - ‘Events, Non-events, and the manipulation of contingency’, Meccsa, University of Salford
October Paper - ‘9/11 as an Event’, Westminster University
May Paper - ‘Wisdom after the Event: the temporal/spatial location of Election 2010’, Media Discourse Group, 91Ó°ÊÓ
April Invited Talk - on Brute Reality, Eccles Centre, British Library
March Invited Paper - ‘The Scenario’, Loughborough University.
January Paper - ‘Disordered States: ‘mediated surveillance’ and public dissent’, Meccsa, LSE
November Paper - ‘Myths of Sacrifice: 300, Sparta and the Cult of Democracy’, Cult Adaptations, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
July Invited Lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ for BFI, London
April Paper - ‘The Audacity of Rhetoric’, BAAS, Nottingham
April Paper - ‘Mediating ‘Terror’ ’, PSA, Manchester
March Paper - ‘Spectacle or Speech Event: the Delphic Oracle and 300’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ Centre for Adaptation Studies, Leicester De 91Ó°ÊÓ University, Leicester
March Paper - ‘Gods, Daimons, Eidola’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ Centre for Adaptation Studies, Leicester
February Paper - ‘The Mediation of ‘Terror’, ESRC, Leicester
January Paper - ‘The Theatre of War’, Meccsa, Bradford
September Paper - ‘Rhetorical Masculinity’, Adaptations, Amsterdam
June Paper - ‘Displacing the Gods?’, Adaptations, Cardiff
June Paper - ‘A Genuine Piece of Theatre: Harry’s Helmland Adventure’ Media Research Group, 91Ó°ÊÓ
April Paper - ‘Economics of Utterance: mediated rhetoric and ‘sign-value’ in the ‘war on terror’, PSA, Swansea
January Paper - ‘Economic Categories and the War on Terror’, for Meccsa, University of Cardiff
Other forms of public presentation
Performances, broadcasts, exhibitions, etc
Cultural Exchanges festival
February 2015 Public lecture – ‘Violence, Knowledge and Repetititon’
March 2011 Public lecture - ‘Micro-Ideology’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
March 2012 Public lecture - ‘Worst-Case Scenario’, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University March 2009 Public lecture - ‘Stockwell: the overproduction of force’ February 2008 Public lecture - ‘TERROR CAPITAL T: capital lower case c’