
Music tech students hear audio secrets from industry legend in Berlin

An internationally respected audio engineer has given students from De 91Ó°ÊÓ University Leicester (91Ó°ÊÓ) a privileged glimpse into how he builds speakers.

Klaus Heinz, who founded the pioneering audio manufacturer ADAM, talked openly and enthusiastically to students on 91Ó°ÊÓ’s Music Technology, Creative Music Technology, Music, Technology and Performance, and Audio and Recording Technology courses during a visit to the headquarters of the designer’s newest Berlin-based company HEDD.


The students – on the first day of the latest epic #91Ó°ÊÓglobal trip to Berlin – were given an audience with Klaus and his son Freddy, who together founded and run the company, which makes high-end studio monitors and speakers.

Freddy told the students that while the parts were sourced globally, all HEDD speakers were hand made in the building they were visiting.


The pair then gave a tour of the assembly line, giving an insight not only into the unique technology which produces the HEDD sound but the marketing strategies, development cycles and order demands which are part of building a modern, international company.

Freddy said: “We are actually at a very exciting moment for HEDD, having taken orders from Korea and Japan, and getting ready to expand into the US. But we have to be prepared, have everything in place for a big order so we do not delay.”


Klaus allowed the students to ask questions about the technology which powered the HEDD sound and gave technical but engaging answers.

Visit the Berlin trip page to follow our students’ activities in real-time
#91Ó°ÊÓglobal in New York - read all about it here

Bruno Iglesias, second year Creative Music Technology student, said the access the group had had in the factory was what made it so useful.

He said: “It’s great to see the back end of a real business and all of the people here, to come into a small business like this. I mean, being able to talk to the guy who found the company and for him to be so generous with knowledge is just brilliant."


Elsewhere yesterday, students from were given a backstage tour of the Deutsche Welle studios to the north of Berlin.

The international broadcaster has built a strong global reputation and has amassed a huge following on social media and students were given an insight into what the studio has learned about reaching people online.


Mischa Heuer, deputy head, social media and current affairs from Deutsche Welle took the students through a typical day, telling them how they would discuss trending topics on Twitter and look at what sites like BuzzFeed and Reddit were talking about.

He also touched on the importance of aspiring reporters building their own online profile.

He said: “If I’m thinking of hiring someone the first thing I’ll do is Google their name. I want to see what their content is like on Twitter, how many followers they have, what their interactions are like on Facebook.

“This, really, is the modern CV. It shows easily how much work you do and how well you build contacts.”


They also discussed verifying social media stories and the importance of separating business and personal online.

Final year student Zofia Filipowicz said: “It was interesting to get an insight into how news organisations actually work, so what does it mean to engage audiences on social media – how does it actually work.

“And we got some interesting tips for our own platforms, how we can engage audiences and get more followers and, as a result, get a job in the industry.”

Joel Wood, a third year student, said the scale of the broadcaster had allowed them a real insight.

The 21-year-old said: “It’s been the first time I’ve been in a place like this, a big broadcasting company, I think if we were in London it would’ve been quite hard to get such a close look and they have state-of-the art facilities here so overall, it’s been a great experience.” 

Posted on Tuesday 13 June 2017

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