
Institute of Artificial Intelligence project information

The research at IAI has been supported by many UK and international research funding agencies and industries. Selected externally supported projects are listed here as examples: 

Current research projects

"System of Automatic and Configurable web cRawlEr Detection (SACRED)", Innovate UK: Cyber security academic start-up accelerator programme year 5: phase 1, £31,885, 4/2021 - 8/2021, Mary He (PI), Francisco J Aparicio Navarro (CI) and Yingjie Yang (CI).


"CyberGames: Gaming Cybersecurity Intelligent Agents", Innovate UK: Cyber security academic start-up accelerator programme year 5: phase 1, £31,885, 4/2021 - 8/2021, Daniela Romano (PI) and Richard Smith (CI).


“KTP with GeoSpatial Insights Ltd”, Innovate UK and NERC, £139000, 4/2018-4/2020, David Elizondo (PI), Lipika Deka (CI).

“Intelligent grey dynamic scheduling for complex products based on sense-information of the ’Internet of Things’", Royal Society, £12000, 2018-2020, Yingjie Yang (PI), Francisco Chiclana (CI) and Archie Singh Khuman (CI).

“International Network on Grey Systems and its Applications”, Leverhulme Trust, £124997, 2015-2019, Yingjie Yang (PI and Coordinator). 

“Revision of Consultancy Peer Review of Mathematical Modelling”, Surbana Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd, £8500, 8/2018-12/2018, Yingjie Yang (PI).

“Development of Semi-autonomous Marine Vehicle”, Guidance Marine, £15000, 8/2018-12/2018, Liang Hu (PI).

Completed external funded research projects in the last five years

“Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Constrained Optimization Problems”, EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships, €195,455, 12/2015-02/2018, Shengxiang Yang (PI).

“Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Optimisation in Network Environments”, EPSRC, 02/2013-08/2017, Shengxiang Yang (PI). This was a joint project with the University of Birmingham, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), and Network Rail Ltd.

The total funding for the joint project is £957,394, of which £445,069 was awarded to De 91Ó°ÊÓ University under Grant EP/K001310/1 and £512,325 to University of Birmingham under Grant EP/K001523/1. The details of this EPSRC project can be found from the Research Councils UK (RCUK)'s Gateway to Research (GtR) website.

“Brian-Computer-Interface Prototyping System: Data-based Filtering and Dynamic Characterisation”, Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), £14,000, 12/2017-07/2018, Qichun Zhang (PI) and Shengxiang Yang (CI).

“Development of a Dynamic Resource Scheduling Prototype System for Airports”, Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF), £15,900, 01/2016-10/2016, Shengxiang Yang (PI) and Mario Gongora (CI).

“Evolutionary Computation for Optimised Rail Travel (EsCORT)”, Transport iNet, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), £62,134, 11/2013-02/2015, Eric Goodyer (PI) and Shengxiang Yang (CI).

“Evolutionary Computation for Dynamic Scheduling Problems in Process Industries”, State Key Laboratory of Synthetical Automation of Process Industry, Northeastern University, China, CNY300,000 (approximately £30,000), 01/2012-12/2013, Shengxiang Yang (PI).

“”, EU FP7 Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship, £241070, 2015-2016, Yingjie Yang (PI).

“Modeling Conditions, Mechanism and Characters of Grey Prediction Model GM(1,1)”, Leverhulme Trust International Visiting Fellowship, £25500, 2013-2014, Yingjie Yang (PI). 

“Grey Systems and Computational Intelligence”, Royal Society, £12,000, 2011-2013, Yingjie Yang (PI)

“FuzzyPhoto”, AHRC, £390280, 2012-2014, Simon Coupland (CI).

“Fruit Ripening Overlay SysTem (FROST) Sensing TIming Communication (STIC)”, NERC, £44,044, 9/2016-9/2018, David Elizondo (PI).

“The Intelligent Mobility Partnership (IMPART)”, TSC(Transport Systems Catapult)-UPP scheme and match funded by partnering University, £97,500, 3/2015-2/2018, Lipika Deka (PI).

“WADER (Water Advisory Demand Evaluation and Resource)”, Innovate UK, £80,803, 4/2015-3/2017, Eric Goodyer (PI).

“Mapping the Biomechanical Properties of the Sub-glottal Region of the Human Vocal Tract”,  EPSRC, £24500 5/2016-7/2018, Eric Goodyer (PI).