Proceedings of the International Conference 21-23 June 2001, De 91Ó°ÊÓ University
Leigh Landy Conference Welcome
Marc Aird Towards Material Modelling in Physical Models Using Digital Waveguides
Michael Casey Musical Applications of MPEG-7 Audio
Nick Collins Algorithmic Composition Methods for Breakbeat Science
Darren Copeland The Audience in the Centre: Diffusion Practice at Sound Travels
Leon W. Couch Introducing Electronic Music in Undergraduate Music Theory: Pedagogy and Theory
John Dack At the Limits of Schaeffer's TARTYP
Palle Dahlstedt A MutaSynth in Parameter Space: Interactive Composition Through Evolution
Palle Dahlstedt Creating and Exploring the Huge Space Called Sound:Interactive Evolution as a Composition Tool
Richard Dobson A Prototype Real-time Plugin Framework for the Phase Vocoder
John Levack Drever The Sublime in Acousmatic Music: Listening to the Unpresentable
Ulrich D. Einbrodt "Welcome to the Machine" - Pop Songs out of the Computer: The Era of PC-Musicians
Simon Emmerson New Spaces / New Places: A Sound House for the Performance of Electroacoustic Music and Sonic Art
Archer Endrich The Workshop of Art : Towards a Dynamic and Open Way of Thinking about Form in Music
Steve Everett Logics of Value for Digital Music
Nick Fells Without Walls
Giselle Martins dos Santos Ferreira When Art, Science and Technology Meet: The Strength, the Dilemma or the Curse of Electroacoustic Music?
John Ffitch Creating a Computer-Assistant for Performance
James Harley Embracing Multimedia for Value-Added Marketing: Electroacoustic Music Presented via Enhanced CD
Andrew Hugill Some Issues in the Creation of Music Online
Leigh Landy From Algorithmic Jukeboxes to Zero-Time Synthesis, A Potential A-Z of Music in Tomorrow's World
Alex McLean Hacking Sound in Context
Mladen Milicevic Cyberspace Memes
Dennis Miller Vision Statement
Adrian Moore Sound Diffusion and Performance: New Methods - New Music
Stephan Moore KromoZone: A Platform for Networked Multimedia Performance
Rosemary Mountain Caveats from a Dyed-in-the-Wool Futurist
Kia Ng Augmented Stages for Installation-Arts and Performance
Derek Pierce On Composing "This Gospel Train is Pulled by Steam"
Richard Polfreman FrameWorks: A Structural Composition Tool
John Richards New Modality: Sonic Magnification
Lisiunia A. Romanienka Synthesizers and Other Hybrid Electronica within the Socially Embedded Context of Techno Music
Paul Rudy Separation Anxiety: Metaphoric Transmutations from a Paradoxical Biological Instrument or: What is a Cactus Doing in our Concert Hall?
Scott Smallwood Polyrhythmic Texture Derivations of Time-Lapsed Field Recordings
Martin Spain Interpolator: A Two-dimensional Graphical Interpolation System for the Simultaneous Control of Digital Signal by Processing Parameters
Christian Spevak Sound Spotting – An Approach to Content-based Sound Retrieval
Bob L. Sturm Composing for an Ensemble of Atoms: The Metamorphosis of Scientific Experiment into Music
Fred J. Szymanski Recursive Time Modeling in "Retentions 1 - 4"
Dante Tanzi Music Negotiation: Routes in User-based Description of Music
Robb Wright Towards a New Language For Visual Music
John Young Sju ... Who?
John P. Young Networked Music: Bridging Real and Virtual Space